Miike Snow, Happy to You

Miike Snow, Happy to You

Miike Snow is not what you think he is (er, they are; sorry). To call the band “poptronica” would be the most accurate genre to pigeonhole them in, but the music they make is not that simple. In ways, the sound reminds me of Peter Gabriel or what Blue October might sound like if more electronica was fused into their existing sound. The music is a lot of marching drum sounds, pianos, and the unusual sounds that you wouldn’t normally use from a drum machine.

One thing for sure is that as you listen to these ten songs, and the further that you get into them, the more they sound like a rock band like Death Cab for Cutie, as opposed to something electronica and pop (which they do sound like early on). Admittedly, if you are not a fan of pop in any way — if you’re just one of those metalheads who despises pop — then there are some songs and moments on this album that will make you cringe. Sometimes it does have that bubblegum feel that makes even me slightly uncomfortable.

More often than not, though, the music sounds less poppy and even less like electronica, overall. Miike Snow is like some kind of great indie-rock band in disguise.

I only actually found out about Miike Snow because they had done something (I don’t recall what now) with Penguin Prison. That was how the name first came into my mind. Prior to listening to this album for the first time, I was expecting Miike Snow to sound like a less-flamboyant version of Taio Cruz. I was ready for this album to be completely obnoxious in a good way and just more in your face than what it is. This album is actually a bit mellower compared to that, and it just works on every level.

I didn’t know whether or not I would enjoy this album, because I have a rather small allowance for electronica music in my collection. I also didn’t know how it would play out for people who aren’t necessarily a fan of electronica. But Miike Snow fooled us all. I’ve grown really fond of Happy to You and think you will, too, regardless of what genres of music you like and dislike.

(Universal Republic Records -- http://www.universalrepublic.com/; Miike Snow -- http://www.miikesnow.com/; Miike Snow (Facebook) -- http://www.facebook.com/miikesnow)
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Review by . Review posted Wednesday, June 13th, 2012. Filed under Features, Reviews.

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