Death Cab for Cutie, Codes and Keys

Death Cab for Cutie, Codes and Keys

Codes and Keys is the seventh studio album from Death Cab for Cutie and to say that it leaves something to be desired is an understatement. I don’t know what it is exactly, but this album has that newer Coldplay feel to it, where you just want to stop caring and stop hearing these guys whine. That isn’t to say that all of the songs are whiny, but it does make you wonder why you’re listening to an album that could probably put you to sleep if you weren’t so sad.

There are a lot of piano sounds on this album (keys) and what sounds like a drum machine but could just be a studio kit or what-have-you. I think about them coding that probable drum machine and striking the keys on an electric keyboard and realize how they got their album title.

Really, I believe that if you don’t listen to this album, you’re not missing out on much. I’m not the biggest fan of Death Cab, admittedly, but I did enjoy Plans. This album, though…no, I don’t enjoy this one so much.

(Atlantic Records -- 1290 6th Avenue, New York, NY. 10104;; Death Cab for Cutie --; Death Cab for Cutie (Facebook) --
BUY ME: Amazon

Review by . Review posted Tuesday, April 24th, 2012. Filed under Reviews.

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