Great Cause + Four of the Coolest Bands in Town: MS Understood, Tomorrow at Rudz

Moving somewhat slower than I’d initially planned to, with this one… There’s a very cool-sounding show going on tomorrow night (Sunday, April 15th), up at veteran Montrose haunt Rudyard’s — it’s called MS Understood : music for a cure for multiple sclerosis, and like the name says, it’s a benefit to raise money for the fight against MS.

It’s a worthy cause, to be sure; multiple sclerosis is a terrifying thing to witness, and any step closer to a cure is a good thing, to me. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that the bands playing are badass, too. The organizers have pulled together a nice lineup (and one that’ll look a little familiar to folks who were at that final {Bright Men of Learning} show last month), with four of my favorite bands in town at the moment, namely {A Sundae Drive}, {Art Institute}, {Jealous Creatures}, & {The Wheel Workers}.

I’m not stretching things to say these four are some of the best indie-rock bands Houston’s got going these days; it’s the flat-out truth, seriously. Each of ’em is worth checking out on their own, so stacked all together for a measly $10 (which goes to a good cause, to boot), they’re pretty irresistible.

All of the proceeds go to the MS Society and the MS150 — and as an added bonus, I’m told if you buy the new Art Institute record, People Like It When You Fail (which is damn cool), they’ll donate all the $$$ from the sale, as well. And hey, speaking of the MS150 bike ride next weekend, ex-BMOL guitarist Chris Kahlich will apparently be on hand tomorrow, working to raise money for his own MS150 ride — he needs to raise $400 to be able to enter, so help him out if you can, eh? (You can also donate directly to Chris right here, if you can’t get to the show.)

BTW, the show starts early, a true rarity for a Rudz show, kicking off at 3PM and running through 8PM. So, all my fellow parents & homebodies, now’s your chance to see these bands during daylight hours (without having to hit a festival or something, at least); I’m going to do my damnedest to make it up there for a little bit, at least, myself…

Post by . This entry was posted on Sunday, April 15th, 2012. Filed under Posts.

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4 Responses to “Great Cause + Four of the Coolest Bands in Town: MS Understood, Tomorrow at Rudz”

  1. Jason Smith on April 16th, 2012 at 12:32 pm

    This was a great show all around with a nice sized crowd and they raised over $1000 the MS Society and the riders of the MS150. Most of all, it seemed to me to be a brilliant idea waiting for more bands (if the Rudyard’s management is willing) to jump on. Sunday AFTERNOON and early evening at Rudyard’s seem like a great match. Rudyard’s food is very popular after all so it seems like a fun place to go for a dinner show. It would be great to see more Sunday afternoon shows booked there, at least until football season starts…

  2. Sarah Hirsch on April 16th, 2012 at 4:35 pm

    It was awesome that you could make it out Jason! We had a pretty awesome turn-out for our day-time show in March as well. Both shows were early, had beer and food, and we were lucky enough to get some amazing bands involved. Jenn from ASD pulled this Rudyard’s show together, and I think it’s safe to say that a blast was had by all. We’re both looking forward to putting more shows like this together in the future! :)

  3. April 15th – Jealous Creatures @ Rudyard’s – MS Understood | Jealous Creatures on December 2nd, 2012 at 9:32 pm

    […] Great Cause + Four of the Coolest Bands in Town – Space City Rock FFW – The Free Press […]

  4. April 15th – Jealous Creatures @ Rudyard’s – MS Understood | Jealous Creatures on December 3rd, 2012 at 8:30 am

    […] Great Cause + Four of the Coolest Bands in Town – Space City Rock FFW – The Free Press Preview Like this:LikeBe the first to like this. This entry was posted […]

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  • 1. After the Storm - The Suffers
  • 2. Human Size - Hearts of Animals
  • 3. A Cruel Weight, Thy Wound - Omotai
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  • 5. Into The Clearing - EL LAGO
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