Surfer Blood, Tarot Classics

Surfer Blood, Tarot Classics

Tarot Classics is a six-song EP from the most awesomely-named band Surfer Blood. Despite being about half the length of a normal album (you know, in terms of songs), this is quite possibly one of the finest pieces of music I have ever heard, even better than some full-length albums out there.

Even to describe Surfer Blood is to do them an injustice. I guess I could start by saying that despite the word “blood” being in the name, they are not anywhere near what you’d expect them to be, in terms of a metal or hardcore band. It’s kind of like the way people think of what Murder by Death will sound like before they even hear their music. So, can you surf to this music? You could, but it’s not really surf-rock, per se. It has an indie dance-beat-type of feel to it at times, kind of like Ted Leo, but it really sounds nothing like that. It has great harmony that makes it almost seem like pop, but it is in no way catchy.

Essentially, these six songs are very easy on the ears. I dare you to put this album on and not fall in love with it from the first note, with a love that will linger until the very last note when you reach for that Play button to hear it all again. I almost feel like there’s some kind of subliminal messaging in the background because of how addictive this can be, even though you’re not able to instantly sing along to it.

(Feature photo by Christine Hahn.)

(Kanine Records -- 204 Powers Street, Brooklyn, NY. 11211;; Surfer Blood --; Surfer Blood (Facebook) --; Surfer Blood (Myspace) --
BUY ME: Amazon

Review by . Review posted Friday, April 6th, 2012. Filed under Features, Reviews.

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