Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: ZenHill Night + George Clinton + SXSW Overflow + Folk Family Revival + More

Yep, it’s Friday, March 9th, heading into the weekend — a little late, I know, but heck, there’s plenty still going on. Here goes…

SXSW Overflow 2012, Tonight at SHFL: Day One (Sphynx, Galaxy Express, & Les Racquet)

Ah, yes. It’s March, that wonderful time of year when about a bazillion people cram into the confines of our prettier-than-us sister city to the northwest, all getting sweaty and drunk and deaf with one another while every band you’ve ever heard of plays somewhere

John Carter

Everybody, whether they’re interested in him or not, recognizes the name of Edgar Rice Burroughs‘ signature creation: Tarzan, Lord of the Apes. But except for a few hardcore fans, the public at large is less well-acquainted with his other great creation…

Last-Minute Good Cause: Benefit for Giovanni Izaiah, Tonight at Fitzgerald’s

Ah, man. Just ran across this and felt compelled to post about it, even though it’s fairly last-minute… There’s a benefit going on tonight (Thurs., March 8th) up at Fitzgerald’s for a little boy named Giovanni Izaiah Regalado, who was horrifically injured this past January when his family’s home exploded

Tomorrow: ZenHill Records Night at Fitz

Yep, we’re pretty darn impressed with the good people over at ZenHill Records. It’s partly because, hey, they’re from here and are working to support bands (mostly) from here, and we dig that…

Summerfest 2012 Lineup Now Online

Yep, folks, that much-anticipated moment is finally upon us: the folks behind the Free Press Summerfest have released the official lineup for this year’s festival, which’ll be taking place this coming June 2nd & 3rd

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Radiohead + Other Lives + Shearwater + Flogging Molly + Young Girls + Hank Schyma + More

Hey, all — on to Day 2 of your weekend (Saturday, March 3rd, specifically), and it’s another good one. Before I get into it, though, I wanted to mention something about this year’s Vans Warped Tour

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Danneurysm + Shellee Coley (Rev’d!) + Drag the River + Megadeth + Mikey & The Drags + More

Crap, crap, crap. Running late, seemingly as always — been a hell of a week, y’all, and I’m still catching up, even though it’s now Friday (March 2nd, to be precise). sigh. Anyway, there’s plenty good going on tonight, so here we go…

Shellee Coley, Where It Began

Some albums — the best ones, generally — have personalities, just like people. Even though they may swing wildly between different styles, they’re tied together somehow by this overarching thread that runs throughout. They step beyond, “hey, this isn’t bad,” to pull you along with them on their emotional journey, wherever it happens to lead…

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