Yr. Weekend (All of It, Right Now): New York City Queens + georgia’s Horse. + Seahaven + American Sharks + Billy Milano + Requieum for Hoff + More

Yeowch. Okay, so I’m afraid yours truly will be elsewhere this weekend, which kind of sucks, because there’s a lot of great stuff going on, and I reall, really, really wish I was going to be here for some of it, at least. But hey, you don’t need to miss out, right?…

A Cool, Cool Van Tour of Our Fair City, This Weekend

Gotta give props to our own, folks, especially when they’re doing something cool. In this case, I’m talking about writer/musician/architecture fanatic Jason Smith, who will be be giving what sounds like a very cool series of van tours around H-town…

Tomorrow Night: Reptar @ Fitz (Plus Free Download!)

Those with sharp memory skills may recall that at several points this past year, yours truly has ranted & raved about Reptar

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Jucifer + Omotai + Linus Pauling Quartet + Music for Silent Films + More

Late, I know, but I couldn’t pass these by… Tonight’s Sunday, February 19th, right before Ye Olde Day of Presidents, and while there’s not that much going on, there’re two lights shining bright out there this evening…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: The Pons + Featherface + Mountains + The Suffers + Pleasure Shapes + Square and Compass + Howler + More

Yep, it’s Saturday now, February 18th, and the weekend rolls on; there’s a crap-ton of cool things (well, what I happen to think are cool things, anyway) going on this evening, so get ready to dodge the torrential downpour & get out there…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Peloton + Omotai + The Fox Derby (Rev’d!) + Poor Pilate + George Baba + More

Yes, folks, it’s now Friday, February 17th, and don’t let the rain get you down, because there’s a ton of stuff going on tonight, a lot of which is very, very cool. I’ll get right to it…

The Fox Derby, Life Apart

This one, I have to admit, has taken some time to get under my skin. After 2009’s Regular Dreams, I was psyched to see where swooning, post-New Wave pop outfit The Fox Derby might be headed next, hoping they’d build on the sharp-edged…

Tonight: Spend Your Valentine’s Day with The Manichean & Ben Godfrey

A bit late, I know — it’s been a bit of a hectic couple of days, sorry — but hey, if you don’t already have plans for your Valentine’s Day (Tues., February 14th) evening, I’d heartily recommend heading on up to La Carafe in downtown…

Laura Gibson, La Grande

Laura Gibson’s latest album, La Grande, is wonderfully rural-sounding, and not in a big belt buckle kind of way. Rather, it’s an album that evokes back roads and wooded hideaways and distant campfires, with the music drifting through the trees…

Girls Rock Camp Houston Registration Now Open

Just a quick fyi, here; happened to notice late last week that the registration for this year’s Girls Rock Camp Houston, which will be held August 6th-10th at the Rice Student Center (on Rice Univ. campus, naturally)…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Adelaine + The Soldier Thread + Open The Taps + Blues Museum Fundraiser + More

Yeah, I know — actually early on posting this one, even though tomorrow (i.e., Sunday, February 12th) is probably the lightest of the weekend. But hey, quality makes up for quantity sometimes, y’know, so here we go…

It’s Time to Take City Hall

I’ve lived in this city for two decades now, which is literally four times longer than anywhere else I’ve lived in my whole damn life. I grew up in a lot of places, but this place is my home; I’m a Houstonian. Believe it or not, I love it here…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Defeat the Noise Ordinance Fundraiser + Southern Backtones (Rev’d!) + Lisa’s Sons + Darkest Hour + More

Argh. Late again, late again, dangit… It’s Saturday, February 11th, and there’s some very cool stuff going on; some of it I’ve already missed out on, sadly, like the 3PM show over at Cactus with {The Wheel Workers}

Southern Backtones, La Vie En Noir

Unlike a lot of albums I’ve heard lately, the Southern Backtones’ La Vie En Noir doesn’t barrel into the room with a crash, grabbing hold of you and forcing you to listen. Rather, they’re like a sneakily low-key band that’s already there, already playing…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Female Demand + The Lemonheads + Southern Backtones + Downtown & Whiskey + More

Howdy, folks — it’s Friday, February 10th, the first day of the weekend (technically, anyway; I’d intended to mention last night’s shows this week, too, but ran out of time — sorry…), and while it’s not as busy as several weekends have been lately…

The Ghost of Cliff Burton, The Maybe Laser

The Maybe Laser is not an easily quantifiable album, and this is a very good thing. Lead vocalist Jef “With One F” and his beat-making cohort Gorilla Bill appear to be truly disturbed, maladjusted, talented psychopaths…

Ume, Phantoms

The first time I listened to Ume’s most recent full-length, Phantoms, I was driving through a lightning storm, with big, bulging raindrops smacking the windshield while bright sparks danced across the sky faster than my eyes could follow…

Benjamin Wesley Releases New Song & Prepares to Drop New Album (Hallelujah!)

Alright, so I know there’s a been a ton of upcoming-release info floating to the surface lately, and I swear-swear-swear I’m going to mention it at some point very soon (no, really), but I just got handed some news on that front that I feel utterly, completely compelled to talk about…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Buxton (Rev’d!) + Bang Bangz + Co-Pilot + Holy Fiction/Orchestra (Interviewed!) + More

Well, folks, I am firmly stuck in the midst of February Birthday Madness (this is what happens when your wife and daughter have birthdays within a week of one another), so I’ve got to keep this pretty brief… Which is a shame, because tonight (Sat., February 4th) is looking pretty awesome…

More Than Ever: Holy Fiction Takes The Future As It Comes

Holy Fiction is a rare kind of band — they’ve got influences, to be sure, but at the end of the day, they sound like nobody but themselves. They’re the sort of band other bands get compared to; they’ve managed to craft a sound that rides the line…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: The Tontons + Wild Moccasins + listenlisten + Wheel Workers + Young Girls + More

I’ve got a crazy, crazy weekend ahead of me — not involving music, but involving multiple family birthdays — so I’ve got to keep this brief for now, but never fear, there’s a huge pile of good stuff going on this weekend, starting tonight, Fri., February 3rd

Buxton, Nothing Here Seems Strange

There’s an incredible feeling of serenity throughout Nothing Here Seems Strange, the latest full-length from La Porte heroes Buxton. It’s this weird calmness, a kind of resignation, almost, that things are changing and there’s nothing that can be done about it…

Giveaway Time: The Tontons Head West, Tomorrow Night, and You Could Be There to See It

There’s a small, select handful of bands in this city that honestly can do no freaking wrong in my eyes; literally everything they do somehow turns out to be awesome, in spite of all of the pitfalls of making music in this town. And {The Tontons} are up close to the top of that pile…

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