Doomtree, Coming to Town Next Week (Plus MP3s/Video)

Holy shit, y’all. Aside from the growing host of H-town’s own homegrown heroes ({Fat Tony}, {B L A C K I E}, {iLL LiaD}, hasHBrown, {Nosaprise}, & {The Niceguys}, I’m looking at you) and perennial favorite Atmosphere

Ume Offers Up a Tribute to Esme Barrera

A little slow on this one, I know, but it seems almost more appropriate now that the cops think they know the identity of the person who murdered Austin scene icon Esme Barrera

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Main St. Block Party + Something Fierce + CounterCrawl + Indian Jewelry + More

It’s looking like one hell of a Saturday (January 28th, that is), y’all. Not only is there the “biggie” of the bunch, the Main Street Block Party, but there’s also a ton of other stuff going on besides…

Main Street Block Party, Tomorrow in Midtown

Holy wow, y’all. Tomorrow (Sat., January 28th) marks the 2nd-ever installment of the Main Street Block Party, a heavyweight pile of bands and musicians all spread out across a bunch of Midtown venues, including…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Scale The Summit + Quiet Company + Buxton + Art Institute + The Shadow + Liberty Fest + More

Running up into the weekend, y’all, and I don’t have any extra-special show-related news to impart, so let’s just cut to the chase for once. Here’s what all’s going on tonight, Friday, January 27th, that I happen to think will be cool…

Good News + Free Music: Jody Seabody & The Whirls Continue On, Put Free Stuff on Bandcamp

The past year was a pretty rough one for the Jody Seabody & The Whirls guys; right as they finished up their forthcoming full-length, Summer Us, when they should’ve been psyched and looking forward to its release…

The Grey

According to Q, if you break down a narrative you will find at its heart seven essential conflicts: man against man; man against nature; man against himself; man against God; man against Society; man and woman; and man caught in the middle. Any one of these is more than enough grist for a storyteller’s mill…

The Features, Wilderness

Okay, so it makes perfect sense when you know the history. Back in 2009, now-icons Kings of Leon started up their own label, Serpents & Snakes, with the intention of releasing music by bands they themselves liked and wanted to give more exposure…


First, we set the stage. Pina Bausch was one of the giants of, not just German dance, but modern dance as a whole, helping to usher in the wave of dance theater — Tanztheater — into the modern dance oeuvre since the 1970s. Combining acting with intricate set design, score, and other hallmarks…

For The Kids: Holy Fiction Plays with the Dulles Middle School Symphony Orchestra, Next Month

Got word about a very cool-sounding show coming up at the start of next month — Saturday, February 4th, specifically — and wanted to mention it up here so maybe-maybe folks will spread the word somewhat. The truly excellent {Holy Fiction}, whom I admire the heck out of…

On the Run Recordings

Baytown, TX.

Master Bedroom Studios


806 Richmond Ave. Houston, TX. “ajr3” at “swbell dot net” Contact: Al Rutter

The Music Room Recording Studio

713-956-4134 “rick” at “musicroomrecording dot com” “chris” at “musicroomrecording dot com” Contact: Rick Paulson (Owner/Engineer) Contact: Chris Folmer (Engineer/Producer; 281-935-5173)

Broken Levee Records

“justin” at “brokenleveerecors dot com”

Architect Studio

Baytown, TX.

Stone Logic Productions

P.O. Box 6865 Kingwood, TX. 77325 281-382-5273 “mweaver” at “stonelogicstudios dot com” Contact: Matt Weaver

The Lion’s Den Recordings


Dugong Recording

(281) 782-6236 “booking” at “dugongrecording dot com” Contact: Brandon Bowers (Engineer)

Hifi Mastering Online

11018 Cedarhurst Dr. Houston, TX. 77096 1-866-927-8136 (toll free) “info” at “hifimasteringonline dot com”

RedRum Studios

Pasadena, TX.

Smiley Face Records

713-524-6457 “Cindy” at “smileyfacerecords dot com”

Fallen-Records Studios

2950 Shaver c-17 Pasadena, TX. 77502 281-381-8452 “malekoman999” at “yahoo dot com” Contact: Malek Nouiery (Owner/Manager/Booking)

GreatDepths Recordings

713-859-8830 “Museiame” at “yahoo dot com”

Red Letter

Wolf & Tiger Studios

“wolfandtigertx” at “gmail dot com”

Translucent Audio Productions

“taproductions” at “ymail dot com”

Red Tree Recording Studio

32618 Tamina Road Magnolia, TX. 281-378-4292

Music World Studios

2202 Crawford St. Houston TX. 77002 713-772-5175 “studio” at “musicworldent dot com”

360 Recording Studio

11430 Bissonnet Houston, TX. 77099 832-598-7348 “wickedwaysrecording” at “gmail dot com”

In the Jar Studios

1510 Quitman Houston, TX. 77009 “srt_mail” at “earthlink dot net”

Essential Sound Mastering

5626 Brock St. Suite 200 Houston, TX. 77023 713-785-6479 Fax: 713-926-1197 “info” at “esmastering dot com”

Wire Road Studios

713-636-9772 “inquiries” at “wireroadstudios dot com” “scheduling” at “wireroadstudios dot com”

Say Hello to Treaty Oak Collective & The Convoy Group

While frantically typing about shows this past Saturday, it occurred to me that now might be a good time to mention the “new” booking/label/etc. crew in town, the Treaty Oak Collective, considering that they’d booked three of the shows…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: The Lotus Effect @ Warehouse Live

Sunday coming up (January 22nd, to be exact), and no offense to anybody else who’s playing, but there’s only one show I’m really psyched about. I honestly wasn’t sure this one was going to happen…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Linus Pauling Quartet + Burned Out + Art Institute + Ruckus on the Railway + Gretchen Schmaltz + More

It feels like a slow-moving day to me, for some reason, but today (Saturday, January 21st, that is) is really anything but. There’s a crapload of stuff going on; here’s what I think sounds cool…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: The Mountain Goats + In Flames + Alvin Fielder + Square & Compass + Megafauna + More

Back around to another Friday (January 20th, this time) and yep, busy as ever. I’m personally pretty damn psyched about a couple of tonight’s shows, but first some update-y things…

Welcome to the Fightback: The Internet (and The White House) Wakes Up and Takes on SOPA/PIPA

Hey, folks. Those who visit the site regularly might’ve noticed that yesterday Space City Rock looked a little different (at least, erm, from 9AM or so ’til 8PM); specifically, it looked black, with words something like…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Latch Key Kids + Chris Gray Day + The Eastern Sea + The Sour Notes + Lisa’s Sons + More

Alright, folks — here we are. It’s Saturday, January 14th, and tonight is definitely the biggest night we’ve had in a while in terms of shows. Seriously; for a few days there, it seemed like I was hearing about one awesome-sounding show after another…

Latch Key Kids, Democracy: The Art of Maintaining a State of Fear

It’s like they never left the club. It may’ve been more than a decade since died-and-resurrected punks Latch Key Kids last released any new music, but listening to the new Democracy: The Art of Maintaining a State of Fear EP…

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