Yr. Weekend: Quintron + FPH NYE Cataclysm + CSMDP + The Suspects + Bonanzarama + More

Argh. And now, I’m sick. I’d planned to post about all the festivities going on this weekend, but feeling as shitty as I do, I’m going to have to settle for hitting a handful of the big ones and leaving it at that. Here goes:

Fri., December 30:
Quintron & Miss Pussycat/The Wiggins/Psychic Palms/GWizz @ Fitzgerald’s
Ah, yeah. I don’t even understand it myself, but there’s something weirdly alluring about Quintron & Miss Pussycat — even now, just reading the name, I caught myself muttering “Swamp buggy badass” under my breath. Plus, there’s local weirdo-rock “band” {The Wiggins}, and {Psychic Palms}, who I’m told are pretty great.

Come See My Dead Person (live recording)/Renee Gayo/Kevin Anderson/Chris Denny @ Old Quarter Acoustic Cafe (Galveston)
Dang — meant to post about this earlier on, but it just didn’t happen, y’all. Sorry… Tonight {Come See My Dead Person} are doing a live recording at a show down at the Old Quarter Acoustic Cafe in G-town, and it sounds like a pretty awesome thing to witness.

Reggae Rhythm Revival, featuring D.R.U.M., Bigga Star, & Jimmy Lee Deen @ Last Concert Cafe
Lupus Foundation Fundraiser, featuring Good Timing, Exit 747, & David Deidrich @ Jet Lounge

Sat., December 31:
FPH NYE Cataclysm, featuring Buxton, Fat Tony, Muhammad Ali, Hearts of Animals, Venomous Maximus, Sorne, Electric Touch, Dead Roses, Brains for Dinner, & Ceeplus Bad Knives @ Fitzgerald’s
Holy freaking yes. If I weren’t scheduled to ring in the new year with two early-sleeping munchkins (one of whom we tell the New York NYE is the real one, so we can get her in bed by 11PM), I’d totally be there for this — it’s like a who’s-who of local bands I like, including {Hearts of Animals}, {Buxton} (whose recently-released “Boy of Nine” 7″ I just got my hands on, happily), {Fat Tony}, {Muhammad Ali}, {Dead Roses}, & {Venomous Maximus}. It’s bound to be a blast, seriously.

No Cover New Year’s Eve, featuring The Allen Oldies Band & The Suspects @ The Continental Club
Ah, cool. And then, of course, there’s {The Suspects}, Houston’s most badass and longest-running ska band. Damn I love these guys. If you’ve somehow managed to never see ’em, you really, really owe it to yourself.

New Year’s Eve 2011, featuring Matt the Electrician, Wendy Colonna, Ken Gaines, Wayne Wilkerson, & Bill Cade @ Anderson Fair
Okay, I’ll admit I’ve got no idea who most of these folks are, but dangit, Matt the Electrician is one hell of a cool guy. Peek on over here for a track from his latest album.

Come See My Dead Person @ Union Tavern (Webster; 9PM-2AM)
And here’s a second dose of {Come See My Dead Person}, in case you missed it tonight; head on down to Webster for a taste of strange, folky, Blues Traveler-ish gypsy weirdness.

NYN8: New Year’s Noise, featuring Bryce Eiman, The Annoysters, Gmilf Defibrillator, The Illegal Wiretaps, Ascites, The Whitehorse, Knife of Ice, Respirator, Muzak, Black Magic Marker, Voidstorm, & Glasgow Smile @ Super Happy Fun Land
Joint Chiefs/Cheek/Bowel @ Rudyard’s
4th Annual New Year’s Eve Ball, featuring Richard Vission, DJ Riddler, Sean Carnahan & Surain, Wes Walz, Tager n Funk, GRRRL Parts, Bjorn Larsen, Chris Calix, JC Vanegas, Brian Stovall, Vance Lawrence, Tony Santana, Blake Silverstein, & Lawrence & Celauro @ Stereo Live
New Year’s Eve, featuring Soul Track Mind @ The Capitol at St. Germain (705 Main)
Wake The Dead New Years Masquerade Ball, featuring The Abyss, Cousin Itt, & more @ The 19th Hole (The Woodlands)
New Year’s Eve, featuring The Hunger, Saturate, From Guts To Glory, & Six Gun Sound @ The Scout Bar (Clear Lake)

Sun., January 1:
Fitzgerald’s New Year’s Day Bonanzarama, featuring Los Skarnales, Woozyhelmet, Brandon West, iLL LiaD, Damon Allen, B L A C K I E, Young Girls, Rivers, The Mighty Orq, Bang Bangz, Mantis, & DJ Meshak @ Fitzgerald’s (5-8PM)
Hrm. If I’m not feeling like crap, I may just have to make my way up to Fitz for this one; I freaking love destructo hip-hop dude B L A C K I E, smart, sharp-edged indie-rockers {Woozyhelmet}, cool, summery popsters {Young Girls} (who, if rumor holds true, may be soon moving up to Austin), grungy rockers {Rivers}, soulful hip-hop-or-not? outfit {Mantis}, and cool electro deal {Bang Bangz}. It’s gonna be full-on awesome.

The 15th Annual Townes Van Zandt Wake @ The Old Quarter Acoustic Cafe (Galveston)

Post by . This entry was posted on Friday, December 30th, 2011. Filed under Posts.

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