By Crom!: Linus Pauling Quartet Emerge Victorious From the Depths of Hell

Hail, mortals! We at SCR are pleased to hear that long-running/utterly badass stoner-rock dudes the {Linus Pauling Quartet} have returned, at long last, from what they say is a two-year hiatus/tour in the wilds of Hell, and will be setting the stage afire tomorrow night (Saturnsday, December 3rd) at a tavern known as Rudyard’s.

Verily, this is good news, as this vile city has long missed the sludgy, eardrum-destroying, head-nodding noise thrown forth by the long-haired devils of the LP4. They have re-emerged to prepare for the release of their long-awaited new “album,” to be entitled Bag of Hammers and to be given to the world early in the New Year. This writer has been privileged to hear early versions of “Crom” and “She Did Not Know”, both from Bag of Hammers, and rest assured that they easily reach — if not surpass — the epic scale of majesty of the LP4’s previous efforts.

[Goofy RenFest Voice Off. Damn, that’s harder to do than it looks, and just as annoying…] They’re playing with fellow badass metal-ish guys {Defending the Kingdom}, whom I also freaking love and who take that sludge-metal thing and merge it with more “technical,” proggy metallic parts. There’s also {Dead Mineral}, whom I have yet to see/hear but who are actually the band formerly known as Novox; I’ve heard many good things about ’em.

And hey, that’s all three for a measly $7 — Defending the Kingdom plays last, reportedly so the LP4 guys can get their drink on after they play…

As an added bonus, if you turn your radio/browser/phone/etc. over to KPFT 90.1FM right damn freaking now, you can hear one of the two new songs from Bag of Hammers (which is, btw, their first “real” release since 19972007); the band’s officially debuting ’em on the RadioActive show this very afternoon, running from 1-3PM. And yes, there is talking, as well.

So go, turn on the radio this instant, or we are no longer friends. (No, I’m serious; do it.) Then make plans to hit Rudz tomorrow night, eh?

Post by . This entry was posted on Friday, December 2nd, 2011. Filed under Posts.

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4 Responses to “By Crom!: Linus Pauling Quartet Emerge Victorious From the Depths of Hell”

  1. Charlie Horshack on December 2nd, 2011 at 2:10 pm

    since 2007, not 1997. We’re not THAT lazy. ;-)

  2. Jeremy Hart on December 2nd, 2011 at 3:06 pm

    I thought that seemed a little long ago — it was in the “Bag of Hammer” RadioActive preview invite on FB, though: “(Our first proper Studio album since 1997’s All Things are Light)”. I swear, I didn’t make it up… ;)

  3. Charlie Horshack on December 2nd, 2011 at 8:40 pm

    It’s a well established fact that Ramon can’t copy-edit for shit. :-)

  4. SPACE CITY ROCK » Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Montrose Winter Social + Linus Pauling Quartet + Rachael Yamagata + Adelaine + More on December 3rd, 2011 at 2:44 pm

    […] the Kingdom/The Linus Pauling Quartet/Dead Mineral @ Rudyard’s Talked about this one already, and yeah, it’s gonna be badass. I’m seriously considering tempting the wrath of my […]

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