A Few Details on the Tragic Death of Jody Seabody’s Matt Johnson

I hate to have to even type this, honestly; what a tragic, crazy thing. As noted here a week or so ago, {Jody Seabody and the Whirls} bassist Matt Johnston died very unexpectedly back on November 9th

Early Warning: Latch Key Kids EP Release, Coming in January

I was happy as hell to see old-school pop-punks the {Latch Key Kids} arise from the dead back in 2008, and I’ve been itching to see ’em ever since…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Jealous Creatures + Street Dogs + Murder the Stout + Fallcore XI + Wheel Workers + More

Late again, I know — sorry about that, y’all, but the family stuff’s really knocked me out this week, which is why I’m typing this late in the evening, while watching Cupcake Wars & the so-far-excellent Rare Exports

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: The Sour Notes + Tax the Wolf + Art Institute + SPEAK VIII + More

Hey, folks — sorry for skipping out on the past couple of days’ shows; had to do the family thing for Thanksgiving, so y’know. For some reason, 2- and 7-year-olds don’t get “Daddy has to post about some shows” as an excuse for why you can’t play Matchbox cars or Scattergories…

KARP Documentary Screening, Tonight at Domy

Y’know, I’ll be up-front about it: back in the days of my post-college almost-youth, I wasn’t big into KARP. Didn’t hate ’em or anything, mind you, but I wasn’t a big fan; my tastes back then only sporadically ran that far to the “noisy” end of the punk spectrum…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Via Colori + Katz Coffee Porter Party + Indian Jewelry + Folk-Punk + More

What the…? How the hell is today a Sunday (November 20th, for the calendar-less), with everything that’s going on? Damn… Here’s what looks good to me…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Via Colori + Square and Compass + Art Market + Nameless Sound + More

Yep, we’re onto Saturday now, November 19th, and there’s still a crapload of stuff going on; I’m going to have to keep it a little brief, though. Here goes…

Sidewalk Art + Music: Via Colori, This Weekend

Argh. I am late, late, late on this one, y’all — sorry about that. I didn’t want to blow it completely and neglect to mention one of my favorite local music/etc. festivals, Via Colori Houston, which is going on Saturday, November 19th and Sunday, November 20th

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Titan Blood + B L A C K I E + WHAM Preview + Fat Tony + Blistering Speeds + More

Crazy, crazy weekend on the way, y’all, but I’m going to have to keep this brief for the moment, ’cause I’m feeling fried already. Tonight, obviously, is Friday, November 18th; here’s what’s going on this evening that I happen to think looks/sounds good…

More Bad News: Jody Seabody and the Whirls Bassist Passes Away

Damn. Heard through the grapevine earlier in the week (from the {Cavernous} Facebook page, to be precise) that Matt Johnston, the bassist for cool/intriguing indie-rock-but-kinda-not gang Jody Seabody and the Whirls passed away last Wednesday…

Stop Censorship, Keep the Internet Open: Fight the “Stop Online Piracy Act,” Right Now

Okay, so I’m about to say five words I never, ever expected to be saying, and believe me, it’s gonna burn: “I agree with Justin Biever.” No, seriously, I do. Not about everything, obviously, but about one thing in particular, the so-called “Stop Online Piracy Act”

Yr. Weekend: HPMA Madness! + Peter Wolf Crier + The Lotus Effect + hasHBrown + H.I.S.D. + More

Yep, yep, yep. We’re now onto Sat., November 12th, and obviously, there’s still plenty to do. To be completely honest, though, there’s one thing that pretty well overrides all the rest, at least for me…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: The Octopus Project + Benefit for Tim Young + Co-Pilot + Clory Martin + The Suffers + More

It’s gonna be a crazy one, y’all; this weekend is insanely busy, with tons of stuff going on each & every night, starting with tonight, 11/11/11. I swear, it’s just been like that lately — the weekends when not much good is happening have been few & far between…

Sedition Books Moving! To…Nowhere?

I have to say, I’ve been a fan of Sedition Books since they first started up a few years back; although I don’t live in the Montrose ‘hood anymore…

Hatsune Miku: Live In Sapporo

Disclaimer: I spent a lot of time in high school and college watching anime. I loved it and even now, I get a little giddy thinking about Hayao Miyazaki‘s next film. So when SCR passed around a flyer…

Tonight: Don’t Be Me; Go See Reptar

Y’all might recall that back in September I ranted & raved about Asheville/Athens band Reptar

Cinema Arts Festival Houston Starts Today

While music is mostly what I tend to pay attention to, yeah, I’m also a sucker for movies of all sorts. Which is why I get all excited & happy every time a film festival rolls through our fair city (even though I rarely get the opportunity to actual go to ’em, these days…)

Cyberpunk Comes to Life: Virtual Popstar Hits the “Stage,” Tomorrow Night

Okay, so I’m in a bit of a quandary. There’s a “show” (the reason for the quotes’ll be apparent in a sentence or two, here) going on tomorrow, Thurs., November 10th, over at the Marq*E Stadium 23 on I-10 (just west of 610), starting at 7PM

Maritime, Human Hearts

Despite an influx of New Wave-inspired dance-pop, indie-rock continues to fight for relevance as Maritime releases its fourth album, Human Hearts. For those unfamiliar with the band, Maritime was formed from the ashes…

Live: Chimaira/Impending Doom/Revocation/Carry The Storm

On Saturday, October 29th, Halloween came early this year at legendary Fitzgerald’s. For, seemingly from the bowels of hell itself, up came The Age Of Hell Tour. For the night, this included four notable bands…

Postmarked, Pecos Bill is Leaving Texas Round Your Neck

I’m humble enough to admit that while I am many things, sadly, “timely” isn’t always one of ’em. There’ve been a few times in recent years when kindly folks have handed me the fruits of their hard work and talent, and I’ve dropped the ball…

Yr. Weekend: M83 + Mates of State + GN’R + Girl in a Coma + Young Girls + Tinariwen + Tiger Lillies + More

It’s looking like one heck of a busy weekend coming up; I’ll be out in the woods, myself, taking the kids on a the first campout the littlest’s ever been on, but (cringe), yeah, I kind of wish I wasn’t, especially tonight…

Musician to Musician: The Wheel Workers

I have seen The Wheel Workers three times in the past year. They are relatively neglected by the Houston music media, but hopefully I can begin to change that. There’s something about them that screams, “we should be on tour opening for The Decemberists”…

Reigns, The Widow Blades

It’s extremely difficult to make music that’s genuinely, truly scary. In fact, I’d postulate that it’s harder to make frightening, menacing music that’s effective and well-done than it is to make, say, insanely catchy, cheery pop music…

Tonight: Russian Circles (MP3) + The Fox Derby + La Snacks + Clory Martin + Saves The Day + More

A little early for the end-of-week rundown, I know, but heck, I’m trying to get a little bit of a head start on things, at least, and there’s some very cool stuff going on these next couple of pre-weekend days, so I didn’t want to miss out on it…

2011 HPMA Showcase Schedule Now Online

In case you hadn’t already seen it, yesterday Craig Hlavaty of the {Houston Press} posted the official (albeit somewhat tentative, apparently) schedule for this year’s Houston Press Music Awards Showcase

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