Giveaway Time: Two Tickets to Fitz and The Tantrums, Tonight(!)

UPDATE: And there they go…poof, all gone. Congrats, Leroy!

Short, short, short notice, folks, but hey, that’s how it goes sometimes… We here at SCR have just been handed two tickets (well, guestlist spots, but y’know) to tonight’s (Thurs., October 27th) Fitz and The Tantrums show up at the House of Blues. I like the band quite a bit, myself — they pull off the nu-soul/funk thing damn well — and I’d recommend ’em highly…

So, if you & a friend/loved one/enemy/whatever want to check out the show either send us email right freaking now at “contests at spacecityrock dot com” and let us know, or alternatively, hop over to either the Facebook page or Twitter feed and reply to the corresponding post there. Got it? Good. Go do it. First person to respond wins.

And hey, while you’re doing that, watch/listen to a video, for the band’s excellent, Motown-esque “Moneygrabber”:

Oh, and if you give the band your email address, you can grab an MP3 of new track “Don’t Gotta Work It Out”; it’s pretty dang good:

Get to emailing/tweeting/FBing, y’all…

Post by . This entry was posted on Thursday, October 27th, 2011. Filed under Posts.

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