Something Fierce’s Punk Rock Pig Returns for “Future Punks”

What do you get when you combine seriously Clash-influenced punk tunes and a little stuffed-puppet pig who’s just trying to figure out his place in the world? Freaking Muppet-punk genius, that’s what.

Yep, the Punk Rock Pig from {Something Fierce}‘s previous video for “Aliens” (see here for that one) is back once more. This time he looks to be alone again and seemingly a little the worse for wear (with a badass SF tattoo, to boot!), listening to his old records and taking a hard look at his old leather-jacketed wardrobe in the mirror.

I can’t help but love the little dude, seriously; I haven’t seen a puppet channel angst and confusion so beautifully since, I dunno, Emmet Otter’s Jugband Christmas, and yeah, I mean that in a good way.

Of course, it helps that “Future Punks” is an excellent, excellent track that pulls in the Something Fiercers’ previous wild roar somewhat and muses thoughtfully about the future of punk rock as a whole. Oh, and it’s catchy as hell, too. Here goes:

BTW, I’d seriously recommend pretty much anything the band’s ever done, up to and including this spring’s Don’t Be So Cruel, which has this song on it. Damn, I love this band.

Post by . This entry was posted on Thursday, October 6th, 2011. Filed under Posts.

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