Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Concrete Blonde + Anthrax + Ghetto Dinner + Fiskadoro + Boots Electric (MP3!) + More

Not entirely sure why — because it’s Halloween weekend, possibly — but tonight, Sunday, October 30th, is no ordinary Sunday, I swear. There’re a slew of good, good shows going on this evening…

Haunt Wall Street, This Evening

If you read this site at all regularly, you’ll probably know by now that I (meaning Jeremy; I definitely do not speak for all our writers & contributors) am a big fan of the Occupy Together

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Lords of the Universe + Illegal Wiretaps + Bang Bangz + Featherface + Chimaira + More

Coming into Saturday, October 29th, and it’s even more packed-tightly than Friday evening was. Plenty, plenty, plenty going on, not even counting all the haunted houses & parties & whatever…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Shonen Knife + Jealous Creatures + Hilary Sloan + The Toasters + Vandaveer (MP3!) + More

Alright, y’all, I’m just going to say it: this weekend’s just nuts. Too, too much to do, and that’s just music-wise, not even thinking about all the non-musical Halloween-y stuff that’s going on (which, having two midgets of trick-or-treat age…

Bad, Bad News: Houston Press Music Editor Chris Gray in Coma

I can’t even believe I’m typing this right now. Just got word from various folks that Chris Gray, aka “Rocks Off Sr.,” the much-loved, hardworking, cool-dude Music Editor over at the {Houston Press} is currently in a medically-induced coma…

Come See My Dead Person Host 5th Annual Halloween Murder Masquerade, Saturday (Win Tickets!; UPDATEDx3)

I’ve wanted to check out Texas City-dwelling oddballs {Come See My Dead Person} for quite some time now, but I just keep missing ’em by inches..and yes, I’ll be missing ’em once again this coming Saturday, October 29th

Giveaway Time: Two Tickets to Fitz and The Tantrums, Tonight(!)

Short, short, short notice, folks, but hey, that’s how it goes sometimes… We here at SCR have just been handed two tickets (well, guestlist spots, but y’know) to tonight’s (Thurs., October 27th) Fitz and The Tantrums show…

Fishbone Documentary Everyday Sunshine, Tonight & Tomorrow at 14 Pews

What? How in the hell did I just hear about this? sigh. Stumbled across a little note on FB this afternoon about a screening tonight & tomorrow (Wed., October 26th & Thurs., October 27th, obviously) at 14 Pews

hasHBrown Releases First Track From Break Something

I’d originally planned on cramming a whole bunch of H-town hip-hop downloads and whatnot all into one big-ass post, trying to gather together all the excellent, mostly-free releases I’ve seen the past couple of months…

Good News Time: Folk Family Revival (Maybe?) Nominated for Grammys & football, etc. Heads Overseas

Ah, how I love the good news — this year’s been weird, actually, in that for once the good news seems, at least, to outweigh the bad (although the bad, like blues legend Earl Gilliam’s recent passing…)

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Dead Horse Reunion + FPH Oktoberfest + BMC Block Party + SkateStock + Featherface + More

Wow. It’s another insanely-packed Saturday (October 22nd, specifically), with so much going on there’s no way I’ll be able to talk about all of it. Man….

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Manchester Orchestra + Hell City Kings (Rev’d!) + Jon Langford + Empress Hotel + More

Argh. Gotta make it brief for right now, I’m afraid, which sucks because there’s a jaw-dropping pile of cool stuff going on tonight, Friday, October 21st. I’ll hit as much of it as I can, real quick…

Hell City Kings, H.C.K.

With H.C.K., garage-y, grimy, facepunching “deathpunk” gang the Hell City Kings — whose name I freaking love, by the way — have definitely found where they need to be. I was a bit underwhelmed by the band’s previous full-length…

The Tontons, Golden EP

The whole practice-makes-perfect adage isn’t always true, at least not when it comes to music. There are plenty of bands out there that come out of the gate, guns blazing and with fire in their eyes, and then after they’ve made their name somewhat…

Houston Press Music Awards: Voting Starts Today

Yep, as of yesterday evening, those tireless folks over at the {Houston Press} have officially tallied up all the nomination ballots (more than 9000 votes!) and released the official-schmofficial ballot

Musician to Musician: Featherface

My first interview subjects are Kenny Hopkins and Steve Wells from the up-and-coming Houston indie/psychedelic rock band Featherface. Featherface are everything a young Houston indie-rock band should be…

BandCamping: Bang Bangz & Fat Tony Put Up New Songs

There’s a crap-ton of new stuff exploding out of our sweaty, steamy city right now; so much that I can barely keep up with it, honestly… It seems like every time I turn around, there’s a new band/project/etc. meandering its way through…

M83 Releases New Video for “Midnight City”

I talked a bit a while back about French electronic act M83, who’re coming through town at Warehouse Live

Gringo Star, Count Yer Lucky Stars

After making my way a handful of times through Gringo Star’s latest hazy, earthy, rambling full-length, Count Yer Lucky Stars, I was struck by the way in which the band grabs hold of both rough-edged ’60s pop and psychedelia…

A Sundae Drive, You’re Gonna Get Me

For most of the band’s debut EP, You’re Gonna Get Me, it feels like A Sundae Drive just rolls hazily along, serene smiles across the band members’ faces as the music unwinds itself to whatever…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: When We Ruled H-Town + OFF! + Giant Battle Monster + Alex Dezen + More

It feels a little weird, honestly, but tonight (i.e., Friday, October 14th) is a little light, shows-wise, at least relatively speaking. Fridays lately seem to’ve been overflowing…

When We Ruled H-Town Showcase #2, Tomorrow

You might remember back in the spring, when word popped up about an in-the-works documentary on the scene here in Houston back in the early ’90s…

HPMA Nomination Time: Vote by Tomorrow, or It’s Your Fault, Dammit

Yeah, yeah — I realized I’m way, way behind on this one; that’s just how the past month or so’s been, unfortunately. But hey, in case you, like me, are swamped and distracted and whatever else, consider this your wakeup call/reminder…

Moonlight Towers, Day Is The New Night

Some days, you just need to forget; well, I do, at least. Lately I’ve been watching the economy and our political arena go batshit crazy almost simultaneously, while keeping a constant eye on the borrowed-from-Hell temperatures…

An Horse, Walls

With Walls, Brisbane duo An Horse hit all the absolutely-right drone-rock notes, barreling along purposefully and intently through a full pile of awesomely catchy, fast-strummed indie-rock tunes…

What’s That in the Moonlight?: The Ghost of Cliff Burton Rises Once More…

Ah, Jef With One F — what would we do without him? About half the time I’m not sure if he’s serious or engaging in some obtuse form of performance art/comedy where the joke’s on everybody else, Andy Kaufman style…

Tonight: Tex Kerschen Reads From New Book Tidal Economics

More good news, albeit from a different front… {Indian Jewelry} (and ex- of the beloved band Japanic) frontman Tex Kerschen will be up at DiverseWorks tonight…

Good News Time: Something Fierce Makes NPR’s Song of the Day

Yep, more awesome news for H-town’s favorite (okay, okay, my favorite) throwback poppy punks, {Something Fierce}: the band just announced that they got picked at today’s Song of the Day

City Council Discussing Revising Noise Ordinances, Today: Bands & Music Fans, Let Them Hear You

Got some somewhat distressing news yesterday from Omar Afra over at the ever-cool {Free Press Houston}; he sent out a press release (which is also up here) warning…

XV, Zero Heroes

For some, hip-hop excellence still begins with geographical location, which is then solidified by earning honors like “XXL Freshman” or “Jay-Z co-signee.” So what are we to make of Wichita, Kansas, hip-hop? The words barely make sense when compared to more iconic Kansas-centric phrases like “Kansas barbeque”…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Lucinda Williams + Toro Y Moi + Fake Problems + Dead Rabbits + More

Yet another day in a weekend of busy, busy days, despite the current deluge — hope everybody who’s at the Bayou City Art Festival downtown…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Wild Moccasins + listenlisten + Jealous Creatures (Rev’d!) + Art Institute + More

Moving on into Saturday, October 8th, and it’s another busy-ass day, seriously… Some of what’s going on I’ve already mentioned, like the tour kickoff show up at Fitzgerald’s with {The Wild Moccasins}

The Wild Moccasins Tour Kickoff, Tomorrow

I’ll be posting about all of Saturday (October 8th)’s shows very soon, hopefully, but I wanted to give an extra-special shoutout to the one tomorrow night up at Fitzgerald’s

The Wild Moccasins

Late, late, late on this one, as always. The Wild Moccasins have been steadily been making a name for themselves for quite a while now, and they just keep getting better and better as they go…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Balaclavas + Buxton + Mando Saenz + Weedeater + Robert Ellis + More

Hey, all — it is shaping up to be one busy, busy Friday (October 7th, to be precise). First off, though, a bit of news… In case you hadn’t heard already Adele has cancelled all of her U.S. tour dates…

Jealous Creatures, Little Heaven Big Sky

Once upon a time, I tried to write a screenplay for a road movie. It pretty much sucked, frankly, but the part of the process I found myself enjoying the most, weirdly, wasn’t the actual writing of the story…

New Tyagaraja Track Up + India Tour Fundraiser

Call me a cynic if you want, but all the spiritual stuff surrounding {Tyagaraja}‘s work — whether solo or with his previous band, Million Year Dance — has always made me twitch, just a little. I know, I know; I just can’t help it…

Something Fierce’s Punk Rock Pig Returns for “Future Punks”

What do you get when you combine seriously Clash-influenced punk tunes and a little stuffed-puppet pig who’s just trying to figure out his place in the world? Freaking Muppet-punk genius, that’s what…

Two Star Symphony Do The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Saturday

Gotta love those {Two Star Symphony} folks — they always, always come up with neat stuff to do, far beyond the normal “hey-we’re-playing-a-show” deal… This coming Saturday, October 8th, they’ll be over at The Orange Show

Live: Deadmau5

Sometimes daily life gets in the way of doing very important things that perhaps on their own might not necessarily require a significant amount of time to complete, but when paired with the humdrum requirements of day-to-day prior obligations…

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