Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Ben Godfrey + Sergio Trevino + The Antlers (MP3s!) + Destry + More

Back again, still sore from yesterday’s carpentry extravaganza; I always forget how much I loathe doing moulding ’til about a half-hour into it, when I’ve already cut the pieces incorrectly about six times. sigh.

Anyway, we’re now at Sunday, September 18th, and I’ve got to say, it’s a bit sparse tonight. As in, okay, there’re a whopping two shows this evening that appeal to me much at all. But hey, if quantity over quality is what you’re looking for, well, tonight’s got most some entire weeks beat.

My fave of the two is a cool acoustic show Ben Godfrey of {listenlisten} is putting on down at La Carafe, that supposedly-haunted bar Downtown that is apparently believed to be the oldest building in Houston, built in 1847 — which, admittedly, isn’t that old for buildings in general, but in tear-it-down H-town, where buildings rarely survive beyond 50 years of use, that makes this building freaking Methuselah; you can see some history here.

Ben will be playing a solo set himself — although he’s quick to assure folks that yes, listenlisten is still alive & kicking; this is just a new project he’s hoping to record at some point — as will Sergio Trevino of {Buxton} and {Ancient Cat Society}. Both guys are flat-out awesome, in my book, with bands or without, and are well, well worth seeing/hearing.

The headliner’s a band called Destry, a folk-ish band from Boston who are pretty great in a jangly, Mojave 3 kind of way (and to which the almost-2-year-old just started dancing frantically, which is a pretty major recommendation in itself), and they’ve also brought down a guy named Jacob Metcalf, about whom I know nada, unfortunately, from Dallas.

The thing’s a measly $3, it starts at 9PM, the music’s awesome, and the location’s atmospheric as hell; do yourself a favor and get on up to Downtown, eh?

Then after (or before, whichever), you can head on up to Fitzgerald’s in the Heights to catch The Antlers; I have yet to hear much new album Burst Apart, sadly, but 2009’s Hospice was a damn good album, melding sweet-voiced, delicate indie-pop with an intensely personal subject that could’ve made things really, truly depressing but instead managed to be thoughtful.

You can check out a couple of the band’s tracks (from both releases) right here:

    The Antlers – “Sylvia” (Hospice)
    The Antlers – “Bear” (Hospice)
    The Antlers – “Every Night My Teeth Are Falling Out” (Burst Apart)
    The Antlers – “I Don’t Want Love” (Burst Apart)

And here’s the ridiculously-brief list, for all you completists out there:

Destry/Jacob Metcalf/Sergio Trevino (Buxton)/Ben Godfrey (listenlisten) @ La Carafe (813 Congress; 9PM, $3)
The Antlers/Yellow Ostrich @ Fitzgerald’s

Post by . This entry was posted on Sunday, September 18th, 2011. Filed under Posts.

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