Tomorrow: Jacob Calle Wants to See You Go Wild (On TV)

Ah, Jacob Calle — I love the guy, think he’s a lot of fun, but I’m never quite sure what to make of his various projects, and this one’s the latest, a no-holds-barred scavenger hunt in the Montrose. It’s a joint deal, actually, because the whole thing’s also meant to serve as the pilot for a maybe-someday TV show. Gotta give it to the guy: he always goes big…

Here’s the gist: teams of up to five people get handed a list of 100 things to do, with point values assigned to each, and they have to do whatever it takes to get the most points (I think). I dunno what tasks there’re going to be — see the flyer over on the right for a few examples — but supposedly it’s going to be pretty wide-open (although Jacob’s promised there won’t be any “physical harm or sexual tasks” like the hunts they’ve done in the past). “Fear Factor meets Jackass meets The Amazing Race,” according to the promo materials.

Anyway, teams get to Menil Park (outside The Menil Collection) by 6PM, start racing at 7PM and finish the race by 11PM at Mango’s; it’s $10 per person to, um, scavenge, and food and giveaways are included in the price. Oh, and there are unspecified prizes for the winning team, including a call from Andrew W.K..

After the race, there’s an after-show party going down at Mango’s, as well, so scavengers can just head straight in and rock out to Square & Compass, {Muhammad Ali}, {Clockpole}, {Commie Hilfiger}, and {Ceeplus Bad Knives}. (The cover for the show itself for non-contestants is $10.)

There you go; if this is up your alley, check out the event invite, head to Menil Park, and see what happens…

Post by . This entry was posted on Friday, August 5th, 2011. Filed under Posts.

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One Response to “Tomorrow: Jacob Calle Wants to See You Go Wild (On TV)”

  1. SPACE CITY ROCK » Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Two Star Symphony + Co-Pilot + The Small Sounds + Square and Compass + White Linen + More on April 9th, 2012 at 9:31 pm

    […] Then there’s the “I Want To See You Go Wild” scavenger hunt after-party at Mango’s, with great, raw indie-rock dudes Muhammad Ali, Iron Curtain shtick act Commie Hilfiger, Clockpole, Ceeplus Bad Knives, and pretty great, Braid-like emo guys {Square and Compass — see the review of the latter’s self-titled debut EP over here. Details on the hunt & subsequent party here. […]

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