Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Searching for Signal (Rev’d!) + Sphynx + Binarium Sound Series + More

We’re partway through Sunday, July 31st, and yeah, it’s a bit less busy than the rest of the weekend, but there’re a couple that stand out to me… First up is the show tonight at The Mink, which sees transplanted psych-drift rock band…

Searching for Signal, As If Nothing’s Changing

There’s an appealing gentleness to As If Nothing’s Changing, the latest EP from Houston/Austin post-rock band Searching for Signal; the band doesn’t drive things anywhere so much as coax the music forward…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Kings of Leon Rescheduled + Finnegan + Skate & Rock + Roky Moon & BOLT! + Omotai + Julydoscope + More

Saturday (July 30th, you calendar-less bastards out there) is upon us, and there’s a ton of stuff going on. Before I go into that, though, a bit of bad news: tonight’s show out at Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion with Kings of Leon

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Holy Fiction (Reviewed!) + Sara Van Buskirk + Squishees + Rivers + Eric Dick + More

Got to make this somewhat quick, but I didn’t want to miss out on mentioning at least a few of the awesome shows going on this evening (Friday, July 29th, to be specific)… Top of the pile for me, at least, is the show over at Warehouse Live

Holy Fiction, Hours From Dance

My advice for listening to Holy Fiction’s Hours From Dance? Don’t even think about it in relation to the band’s “real” full-length, 2010’s excellent Hours From It; just forget that album even exists, at least for a little while…

Coming Up: Roky Moon & BOLT! Releases Their New Album, This Saturday

Not super-duper-long notice, I know, but it’s worth mentioning either way — this coming Saturday, July 30th, glam-theater-art-rock dudes/dudettes Roky Moon & BOLT! will be at Fitzgerald’s, rocking their hearts out…

Bad News Time: Winter Wallace Passes Out & Gary Crawford Gets Hit by Lightning

Got word late last night from SCR contributor/man-about-town Dre Giles about a couple of tragic/scary things going on with folks in our sprawling, hard-to-pigeonhole scene here, and I wanted to pass along the word….

Roky Moon & BOLT!, American Honey

Let me be up-front about it: if you’re already familiar with Roky Moon & BOLT!, the band’s new full-length, American Honey, is going to sound, well, pretty familiar. Kind of. Looking at the track listing for the album, I’m seeing a lot of songs I’ve heard in some form…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: WOMAN Benefit for Girls Rock Camp Houston + SoulShine Benefit + The Reaction + More

On to Sunday, July 24th, and believe it or not, there’s still plenty going on. At the top of my personal list is a show going on up at Fitzgerald’s tonight called WOMAN: A Day of Music to Benefit Girls Rock Camp Houston

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Rock Baby Rock It Day 2 + Young Girls + Hearts of Animals + Sade + Don’t Fuck With Texas + More

Saturday, now, July 23rd, and there’s so much going on I can hardly keep track of it… Tonight’s Night #2 of DJ Big E‘s 11th annual Rock Baby Rock It fest, and I have to say that this evening’s a bit more enticing, at least to me…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Jolie Holland + Eels + The Submarines + Rock Baby Rock It + Slow Poisoner + More

Damn — slow, slow, slow tonight; sorry about that, folks, but family stuff intervenes… There’s quite a bit going on tonight (Friday, July 22nd), too, so we’ll get on it in a sec. First, though, I just wanted to mention that the original date…

The Slow Poisoner, Magic Casket

There’s a part of me that really, really wants to hate The Slow Poisoner’s Magic Casket. I’ve never been big on the whole horror schtick — the goofy, faux-serious Gothic lyrics, “creepy” vocals, and cheeseball B-movie samples, it always, always, always rubs me the wrong way…

Captain America: The First Avenger

During the height of World War II, a crazed madman digging up secret treasures all over Europe has discovered a way to bring the entire world under his control, and the embattled forces of the Allies might not be able to stop him. Their only hope is to fight fire with some mad-science fire…

Peloton, Peloton

I first took a listen to three-man instro-sludge-metal outfit Peloton’s self-titled debut EP on a whim, really, just curious to see what they sounded like. I’d missed seeing them a while back, and they’d come highly recommended…

Emmure, Speaker of the Dead

Normally, metalcore-ish stuff like this gives me a freaking headache and has me reaching for the “Stop” button after barely two tracks; there’s only so much I can take of pummeling, detuned guitars and unintelligibly bellowed vocals, y’know?…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: David Garza + Suzanna Choffel + After Party + Paige Lewis + C.J. Ramone + More

Today feels weird, for some reason; yesterday felt like a Sunday, which always makes the real Sunday (July 17th, to be precise) feel like an extra, added-on day. Usually, that’s a good thing, but it’s got me feeling unsettled this time…

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2

The length of the cast alone should tell you just how long this has been coming; after 10 years, the Harry Potter series finally comes to a close with an extended bang. Mainly because that’s pretty much all it has left. It should come as no surprise…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Muhammad Ali + Wheel Workers + Featherface + Fired For Walking + Rainbow Dragon + Colourmusic + More

Saturday today (July 16th), and while the rain’s scuttled my own weekend beach-going plans, sadly, there’s a crapload of stuff going on right here that’s very, very cool besides. I’m honestly not sure where to start, there’s so much of it…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Iceage + Balaclavas + The Energy + Invincible Czars + Illegal Wiretaps + More

Damn, there’s a lot going on this weekend, and yep, a lot of that pile’s tonight, Friday, July 15th. Houstonians, you’ve got some hard choices ahead of you for the evening (and the weekend as a whole), no lie…


Okay, so I’ve needed to add Balaclavas to this here list for a long time now. Beyond the perennial culprits that are my general laziness and slowness, there’re a couple of outside factors to blame…

The Manichean, Sakura

Justice Tirapelli-Jamail and Cory Sinclair of The Manichean don’t ever, ever do things halfway, apparently. At least, that’s the feeling I get after drifting my way through the band’s latest release, Sakura. It was originally intended to be a quick little tide-you-over EP…

Reptar, Oblangle Fizz, Y’all

When the old-school beats, dancefloor noise, and tribal-sounding, gorilla-like hoots come in at the start of “Blastoff,” the first track on Reptar’s Oblangle Fizz, Y’all EP (and before you ask: no, I have no idea what the title means)…

Kung Fu Panda 2

Filmmakers and story-tellers, especially the ones specifically targeting adolescent and pre-adolescent boys, love telling coming-of-age stories. They speak to self-belief and hidden power, making them potent vehicles for hanging personal power fantasy off of…

Tonight: Day Sailor, Maren Parusel, & Jealous Creatures at Rudz

There’s a cool-sounding show going down tonight (Tues., July 12th) up at Rudyard’s, and I wanted to point a bit of a finger towards it…

The Stone Foxes, Bears & Bulls

I’ve had some misgivings about this one for a while now. To be sure, The Stone Foxes’ Bears & Bulls is well-done — very well-done, in fact, and I’ll get to that in a sec — but… Well, there’s just something about it…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Ancient Cat Society + Sour Notes + Blues on the Back Porch + Cinderella + More

A smaller pile of stuff to check out tomorrow, Sunday, July 10th, to be sure, but there’re still a few noteworthy things going on. Most notably, there’s a very cool show going on at Fitz tomorrow night…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Folk Family Revival (Rev’d!) + Dax Riggs + Devin The Dude + Wails + Jealous Creatures + More

Day 2 of this fine weekend, today, Saturday, July 9th, and there’s definitely some good stuff going on. I’ve already mentioned a couple of things, like the benefit for Blues in Hi-Fi DJ Clint Broussard

Punk Rock Street Art: David Ensminger’s Visual Vitriol Launches Today

Argh. I meant to post about this earlier in the week, but other stuff kept getting in the way…sigh. Today (Sat., July 9th, that is) is a very cool happening, going on at a few different venues — it’s the official launch of the brand-new book by local punk hero…

Folk Family Revival, Unfolding

How old are these guys, again? That’s the thought that keeps replaying in my head, over and over again, as I listen to the Folk Family Revival’s debut full-length, Unfolding. It boggles my mind that at least a couple…

Tomorrow: A Benefit for Blues in Hi-Fi’s Clint Broussard

In case you missed the news when it happened, in late March of this year longtime {KTRU} DJ Clint Broussard, the man behind the much-loved Blues in Hi-Fi show for more than a decade…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Buxton + The Literary Greats + Biscuit Bombs + Glitch Mob + Alps + Sarah Jaffe + More

Whoa. Got a fairly substantial pile for tonight, Friday, July 8th, so I’ll attempt to get through as much of it as I possibly can… First off, this evening’s a one-two punch in terms of awesome rootsy/folky H-town rockers…

The Literary Greats

The most maddening thing about rootsy pop/rock guys The Literary Greats is just how sneaky they are. They stroll through song after song (three albums’ worth, since 2007) like they’re just there to have fun, smiling the whole damn time…

Steamboat Ampworks, Movin’ On Up to Fifth Ward

If you happened to be at that little “Summerfest” festival-type thing people’ve been talking about quite a bit since about a month ago, you may’ve noticed a slew of banners floating around…

Scale The Summit

Most of the time, when I hear about a Houston band that’s got some promise or already sounds pretty cool, it starts small. I’ll hear a song or two online somewhere, or see their set at a festival or something…

Early Warning: M83 Coming to Town in November

Oh, hell yes. I love, love, love this band(?) — M83 is hands down my favorite quasi-ambient electronic outfit, no question, mashing together the best parts of My Bloody Valentine…

Tonight: Robert Ellis Releases Photographs, Up at Fitz

I honestly didn’t see it coming, folks. I’d crossed my fingers that one of this city’s current bumper crop of talented-as-hell country/folk rockers would finally break out of H-town and make their mark, at least in the wider indie world…

The Manichean Head Out West

Damn…I am so far behind on the ever-growing pile of local music-related happenings I keep meaning to post about that it’s not even funny. sigh. I got word on this one tonight, so I figured I’d post…

Charles The Osprey, Consider

It was my sci-fi nerd-ness that suckered me into Charles The Osprey’s debut album Consider, believe it or not. I hadn’t really given the album a whole lot of thought, honestly — at first listen, it was just yet another prog-metal thing…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: The Wrong Ones (Reviewed!) + Tape Deck Mountain (MP3s!) + The Live Lights + More

Yep, the weekend rolls on… Now headed into Sunday, July 3rd, now, and if you blew it Friday & Saturday, fret not, because there’re still a few cool shows to check out tonight. First on my list is the biggie of the night, up at Fitz

The Wrong Ones, Deceiver

Rather than mine the pop-punk-y hooks that’ve become the template for the vast majority of punk bands lately, or even really hew close to the garage-rock that’s surged to the surface in recent years, on Deceiver, The Wrong Ones dive straight into the gutter…

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