Pussy Cuntrol

Pussy Cuntrol

Damian Morales
7931 Fall Glen Dr.
Houston, TX. 77040
“madsheep79” at “yahoo dot com”

Yeah, yeah, I know — when I brought this zine home from the Zine Fest, I immediately had to hide it from the midgets, for fear that they’d read the title and yell it gleefully throughout the house. That would’ve been bad.

Which is kind of a shame, really, because, um, PC is a pretty neat zine, a grab-bag of all kinds of different stuff. In the issue I found, there’re articles about sexuality, there’s poetry, there’s prose (one piece by lo-fi recording hero John Sears, actually), and there’re comic strips & other artwork. There’s a lot there, actually, so much that I still need to slog through the rest of it.

No clue if the zine’s continued on, btw; I hope it has, but honestly, I’m not sure the wife’s going to be real keen on me picking up later issues. From comments on the zine’s Myspace page, however, it seems like Damian’s no longer doing it. Ah, well…

Zine writeup by . Zine writeup posted Saturday, May 21st, 2011. Filed under Zines.

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One Response to “Pussy Cuntrol

  1. Damian Morales on June 10th, 2011 at 4:58 pm

    Thanx for the write-up Jeremy. Pussy Cuntrol is history, but I have a new zine out now called Transistor Radio, ck it out when you get a chance.



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