Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Fired For Walking/Dead Mineral (7″!) + Graffiti Show + Glasnost + The Examples + More

Gah. Way, way, way behind on tonight’s rundown of Cool Things Going On — sorry about that, but Midget #1’s gymnastics “graduation” and then Game Night kinda win out… Anyway, there’s still plenty of good stuff going on this evening/night (Friday, May 20th, in case you haven’t been doing the whole Rapture Countdown thing).

First, though, I wanted to mention something I ran across on the site for the Pegstar booking crew; they’ve apparently taken over the upcoming Combichrist show that was set to be at Numbers originally, and they’ve quite naturally moved it to Fitz, a week from tonight. Pretty much to be expected, right?

The twist, though, is this note on the Pegstar/Fitz sites:

Tickets purchased for the original date at Number’s WILL NOT be honored at Fitz. You must obtain a refund for your Number’s ticket at the original place of purchase, and buy a new ticket for the Fitzgerald’s date.

In other words, if you’ve already bought a ticket, it’s no longer good for anything beyond maybe being a bookmark or something. You’re going to have to take it back to wherever you got it from & then purchase a new one. Yeowch. Not sure what the story is, but I’m guessing there’s a good reason, so I’m not trying to make any sort of judgment of the Pegstar/Numbers folks — just wanted any fans to be aware of the situation.

Anyway. On the good side of things, there’s an awesome-sounding show up at Rudyard’s this evening — straight-up alternarock dudes {Fired For Walking} are playing a show with a band called Dead Mineral, who used to be known as Novox but underwent a name change pretty recently. Tonight’s deal is a joint release show for the split 7″ the two bands are about to release on FFW’s own (brand new) record label, Four Letter Music.

You can check out the release, entitled Get Your Sh*t Together, Vol. 1, on Four Letter Music’s BandCamp page, right over here; I’ve listened through it a few times already, and I’m liking both sides of the 7″. For its part, the Fired For Walking side is pretty much what I’d hoped for from these guys, just raw, loud, un-pigeonholed rock that punches you in the face and then buys you a beer, while the Dead Mineral side is this post-emo, slightly prog-y, atmospheric instrumental, and it’s as fragile and intricately-put-together as the FFW song is in-your-face and ballsy.

For the next show on my list, you’ve gotta do a little driving (well, most of you do, at least). Down 45S almost to the Beltway, at 10902 Kingspoint, there’s apparently something called the KINGSPOINT Graffiti Art Show & Party, which will feature (duh) plenty of awesome graffiti art and performances from some of Houston’s coolest rappers, notably {Perseph One} and {Babel Fishh}, the latter of whom very rarely performs these days. Well worth the drive south.

Meanwhile, up in the Heights at a new “gastro lounge” — which, I’m sorry, sounds ridiculous — called Fox Hollow, those cool New Wave/electro/dance dudes in {Glasnost} are playing the apparently-monthly Yo’ Jeans show, alongside DJ Linh Nguyen & either DJ Mishka or DJ Mike C, depending on which listing you look at…

Over at Fitz, there’s a promising-looking lineup that includes the awesomely-named {Commie Hilfiger} and cool, swampy, bluesy garage-rockers {The Examples}, who I like more & more each time I see/hear ’em. And out at another new place called Cain’s Ashes, which is someplace out on FM 1960 E, a bunch of hard-ass metal bands are playing, including excellent outfit {The Nephilim Terror}.

There’s more, but that’s all I’ve got for right now. Before I go, though, I have to shake my head in dumbfounded amazement at the guys in Dev Electric — whose members used to be in Glass Intrepid, a band I liked, and I’ve heard the new band’s pretty good, too — for taking the band photo in the flyer over here. Dude? Duuuuude. What were y’all thinking? sigh.

Anyway. Here’s the full list:

Fired For Walking/Dead Mineral (split-7″ release)/DJ Mr. Castillo @ Rudyard’s
KINGSPOINT Graffiti Art Show & Party, featuring Perseph One, Babel Fishh, GoREALah-Soul, Havikoro, Joe B., Ceeplus Bad Knives, DJ Sliz, Thurs One, DJ Nine, Mad Turtle, Mr. Peabody, & Sunonwater @ 10902 Kingspoint
Yo’ Jeans, featuring Glasnost, DJ Linh Nguyen, DJ Mike C, & more @ Fox Hollow (4617 Nett St.)
Commie Hilfiger/Antique Scream/The Examples @ Fitzgerald’s
Drink or Drown, featuring Richie Roc, Jon Black, Renzo, Gnome Chomsky, Evak1, Vivian Pikkles & The Sweethearts Über Alles, & Clapping Bastards @ Walter’s
A Fistful of Soul @ The Mink
A Night of Brutality, featuring Spectral Manifest, Sculpting Atrocity, Injurious Physical Violence, The Nephilim Terror, & Venomous Supremacy @ Cains Ashes (2628 FM 1960 Rd. E)
2011 Galveston Island Beach Revue, featuring The Brandon McDermott Band & The John Evans Band @ Saengerfest Park (Galveston)

Post by . This entry was posted on Friday, May 20th, 2011. Filed under Posts.

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