Summerfest Poster Exhibition, Tonight

If you’ve attended previous installations of Free Press Summerfest, odds are that you’ve run across at least a few of the many posters created specifically for the ‘fest — they had ’em on display (and for sale) at the festival last year, and they were pretty awesome.

I’m not sure if they started it last year or the year before, but just like last year, the FPSF crew’s once again recruited a slew of talented, talented artists to each come up with their own unique vision of what the poster should look like. Artists this year include high-flying poster-makers like Jermaine Rogers, Dann Miller, & Shelby Hohl, plus folks I’ve never heard of or seen a poster by before (which, admittedly, may just be due to sheer ignorance on my part), like Youcome Over, Justin Anville, Domokos, & graffiti artist(?) Eyesore.

While I have yet to see the results, if they’re anything like last year’s offerings, they’re bound to be absolutely striking. You’ll be able to see the whole series tonight (Friday, May 20th), over at the Spacetaker ARC Gallery — the opening runs from 6-10PM, and it promises to be damn cool.

And hey, if you get there around 6PM: free booze! Art + booze == a no-doubt good time, seriously.

Post by . This entry was posted on Friday, May 20th, 2011. Filed under Posts.

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