“info” at “hatermag dot com”

A very cool, cool little (and I mean “little” in terms of physical size, not in terms of its reach & all that) magazine — covering Houston and Austin these days, I think — that focuses on awesome, entertaining art, music, & food, among other things. And as local magazines go, it’s great; it’s well laid-out, stylish, and always tells me about stuff I’ve never heard of before. There’s a heavy leaning towards local hip-hop, which is cool by me, since that’s a blind spot of mine.

Unfortunately, I haven’t seen the mag lately, and the “Current Issue” on their Website — their “HATER Diner” issue — looks to be a wee bit outdated, so I’m not entirely sure the magazine’s still a going concern, sadly. Hopefully I’ll find another copy soon…

Zine writeup by . Zine writeup posted Friday, May 20th, 2011. Filed under Zines.

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