Free Press Summerfest Schedule Up Online, Right Damn Now

Awesome, awesome, awesome. Got an email earlier today from the folks behind the Free Press Summerfest, promising that they’d have the official schedule for the deal up shortly, and lo and behold, there it is.

I’ve included it over there on the right, but if you want it at a more legible size, head on over to the FPSF site and check it out for yourself. Note, btw, that the acts that were originally revealed as being for strictly for the Dancey Pants part of the ‘fest (notably Chromeo & Neon Indian) are now available for all to see. Very cool…

The FPSF-ers have announced a pair of awesome-sounding afterparties for the ‘fest, as well, to be held at Fitzgerald’s, naturally. No word yet on the surprise big-name headliners for those, but hell, they’ve got {Balaclavas}, {Stephen Farris}, and {Fat Tony} one night and Dirty Vegas the next, so I’m pretty psyched already.

They’ve added a new “Sky Box Cabana” option, too, which kind of cracks me up — for a mere $2400, you and five of your closest bros can watch the festivities from a “cabana” (no idea what’s actually defined as a “cabana,” but hey) up on top of the hill, where you’ll sit sipping the included beer, champagne, & tequila, basking in the coolness of your own private fan, and — possibly the biggest selling point — relieving yourself in your own private bathroom. Wow.

Granted, who’s got a spare two grand they can slap down for this? (Or, alternatively, five friends who’re willing to pony up $400 apiece?) Not me, I can tell you. But hey, there’s gotta be somebody, right?

Post by . This entry was posted on Tuesday, May 10th, 2011. Filed under Posts.

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One Response to “Free Press Summerfest Schedule Up Online, Right Damn Now”

  1. SPACE CITY ROCK » Summerfest 2011 Rundown, Pt. 1: American Fangs + Romulus Ate + Sour Notes + LIMB + + Black Congress + Grass Skirts + More on May 31st, 2011 at 4:15 pm

    […] It’s almost that time again, y’all — the Free Press Summerfest is very nearly upon us, less than a week away. And trust me, June 4th & 5th will be pretty epic, just going by the lineup for the damn thing. […]

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