Summerfest 2011 Rundown, Pt. 1: American Fangs + Romulus Ate + Sour Notes + LIMB + + Black Congress + Grass Skirts + More

It’s almost that time again, y’all — the Free Press Summerfest is very nearly upon us, less than a week away. And trust me, June 4th & 5th will be pretty epic…

“Through the Lens of the Bald Heretic” Exhibit, Opening Thursday

If you pay any attention at all to things music- and/or technology-related in Houston, then odds are that you’ve seen or heard the guy’s work, even if you don’t realize it. Jay Lee, possibly better known as The Bald Heretic

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Weenie Roast + Binarium Sound Series + Caroline Sessions + Loudness + More

The last day before Memorial Day is upon us — Sunday, May 29th — and still plenty going on, don’t worry. Comicpalooza‘s still running, for one thing (sorry, forgot to mention that one yesterday), but honestly, far cooler is the 4th Annual Weenie Roast

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Bad Manners + The Wheel Workers + Kris Becker + Anarchitex + Another Run + More

Saturday, May 28th, right around the corner, and there’s some good, good stuff going on. Not quite as high-profile, in a lot of cases, as some of the other shows of late, but hey. Good is still good, y’know. For starters, ska fans can freaking rejoice…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: The Busy Kids + Manchester Orchestra + The Standells + Wails + Holy Fiction + Spin Doctors + More

A good, long (well, for me, anyway) Memorial Day weekend coming up, and it’s looking like a damn busy one, to boot, starting with tonight, Friday, May 27th. First off, there’s a cool-ass lineup of garage-y, punk-y goodness going on at the Big Star Bar

Yr. (Early) Weekend: Canned Acoustica 3 + Jealous Creatures + The Fox Derby + Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. + Generationals + More

There’s some very, very cool stuff going on tonight (Thurs., May 26th), so I wanted to pop on here & mention it; sorry for the quiet these past several days… First & kinda-sorta foremost, over at Warehouse Live

Jealous Creatures, Jealous Creatures

Okay, so here’s a funny thing: I know from the band’s bio that these songs began life as folky, singer/songwriter compositions, with frontwoman/guitarist Sarah Hirsch belting ’em out to subdued crowds at coffee houses and whatnot between here and Austin…

Asobi Seksu, Fluorescence

Honestly, Asobi Seksu’s Fluorescence hits so many damn touchstones — and seemingly throws in more with every subsequent listen — that I feel like I can barely keep hold of it. Right when I think I’ve got James Hanna and Yuki Chikudate pegged…

There Be Dragons

The life of Saint Josemaría Escrivá, the founder of the Opus Dei movement, seems ripe for dramatization, regardless of what you may think of his accomplishments. Founded during the Spanish Civil War, Escrivá’s order…

Colour Revolt, The Cradle

This review isn’t so much about Colour Revolt insomuch as it’s about how much I dislike indie music. Listen, don’t get all defensive if you find indie music the second coming; all it means is that I have different tastes than you…

Live: Wilco/Smith Westerns

I have to mention up front that May 6, 2011, ended up being one of the best days of my life thus far, for reasons pretty much unrelated to Wilco and more related to a voicemail I received just before the show…

Cave of Forgotten Dreams

In 1994, three French explorers delved into the reaches of what became known as the Chauvet Cave in southern France and found one of the world’s great archeological treasures: a group of the oldest, best-preserved…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Zine Fest + Wanda Jackson + Telekinesis (MP3!) + Portugal. The Man + Skate & Rock + More

Holy crap, is there a lot going on today (Saturday, May 21st). What, didn’t y’all get the memo not to make any plans? Eh; I’ll be partying on no matter what happens, so y’know… First & foremost on my mind, naturally, is this year’s Zine Fest Houston

I Came Here To Tell You I Hated It

This one’s not really a zine, honestly; it’s actually a collection of a comic strip called “Mole Holes,” which is/was published in the University of Houston‘s Daily Cougar and revolves/revolved around two moles…

Pussy Cuntrol

Yeah, yeah, I know — when I brought this zine home from the Zine Fest, I immediately had to hide it from the midgets, for fear that they’d read the title and yell it gleefully throughout the house. That would’ve been bad…


Picked the inaugural issue of Ciclo up a few years ago now, and I’m not sure there ever was a second. Which is somewhat of a shame, since it’s pretty interesting; there’s a lot in there about Latino culture in general, and a pretty hefty mission statement…

Love + Death

This is an intriguing one; it’s a seriously, seriously personal zine that’s more like a confessional comic book than anything else — think Maus or Joe Sacco’s work, only Love + Death is the story of one very complicated, insecure kid…


Never actually seen this one, sadly, but it sounds cool, at least — it’s supposedly a black-and-white, old-school Xeroxed zine, created by renowned paste-art icon GIVE UP. It’s on its 10th issue now, supposedly…


“spacedcityblog” at “gmail dot com”

Mystic Thoughts Music

Corey Deiterman

bear parade

“bearparade” at “gmail dot com”

Glass Mountain: The Undergraduate Literary Journal at the University of Houston

University of Houston Department of English Houston, TX. 77204 “glassmountaineditors” at “gmail dot com”

Post Punk’d

“postpunkedhouston” at “gmail dot com”


A very cool, cool little (and I mean “little” in terms of physical size, not in terms of its reach & all that) magazine — covering Houston and Austin these days, I think — that focuses on awesome, entertaining art, music, & food, among other things…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Fired For Walking/Dead Mineral (7″!) + Graffiti Show + Glasnost + The Examples + More

Gah. Way, way, way behind on tonight’s rundown of Cool Things Going On — sorry about that, but Midget #1’s gymnastics “graduation” and then Game Night kinda win out… Anyway, there’s still plenty of good stuff going on this evening/night…

Summerfest Poster Exhibition, Tonight

If you’ve attended previous installations of Free Press Summerfest, odds are that you’ve run across at least a few of the many posters created specifically for the ‘fest…

Robert Ellis Aims for The Big Time (And Shares a New Song)

As reported by the {} folks back around the start of the year, local songwriter, multi-band-playing ninja, and all-’round old-time country boy {Robert Ellis} signed a little while ago…

Stand With Tom Morello (And Get a Free MP3)

I generally try to steer away from talking about politics in this blog, but lately it feels harder & harder to avoid. I was both cheered & horrified to see the events that unfolded this spring up in Wisconsin and elsewhere in the Midwest

Scale The Summit, The Collective

Listening to Scale The Summit’s latest full-length, The Collective, is less like hearing a band play, honestly, and more like watching some insanely-skilled team of weavers create a tapestry out of laser beams or quantum strings or something…


Blake Butler “blake” at “htmlgiant dot com” Submissions: “submissions” at “htmlgiant dot com”

No Funeral

Huntsville, TX. “no-funeral” at “hotmail dot com”

when the sun hits.

“whenthesunhitsblog” at “gmail dot com”

Pretty Riot

Jessica “Jessica” at “PrettyRiot dot com”

Objectif Magazine

Day & A Dream

“brandojcaldwell06” at “yahoo dot com” Music Submissions: “dayandadreammusic” at “gmail dot com”

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