Yr. (Very Late) Weekend, Pt. 3: Joe Mathlete + SXSW Overflow Fest + Tyagaraja + Hadag Nahash + Blackguard + More

Late, late, late, again, and I know some of the show-type things have slipped past; sorry about that, y’all… I really, truly meant to mention {Chris Becker}‘s Music for Silent Films deal at FrenetiCore and the KPFT Musical Fundraiser at the Mucky Duck, both of which started earlier today. sigh. Been a “family” kind of weekend, y’all…

A bit of bad news, btw — I’d thought the cool-sounding Chicago garage-rockers White Mystery were playing tonight at Mango’s, but now they’re not listed in the Mango’s calendar or on WM’s Websites. Dang.

Still, there’s quirky pop hero Joe Mathlete playing, um, probably right damn now over at The Mink, along with Pearl and the Beard, a very cool bunch of NYers that I mentioned on over here (although I stupidly called ’em “Pearl and the Band,” for some reason).

There’s also the SXSW Overflow Fest at Super Happy, with the very cool Shark? and MiniBoone both playing — see here for more info on that…

Of course, today’s also the final day of the South By Due East fest, with plenty of cool people still playing, including the very neat {Tyagaraja}, and Jerusalem-based hip-hop outfit Hadag Nahash is playing Warehouse Live, and they sound pretty intriguing — “like an Israeli version of The Roots” is the description I’ve gotten.

And last of the bunch, Numbers has a full-on metal night tonight, the highlight of which (for me, at least) is fantasy-obsessed, Montreal-dwelling epic-metal dudes Blackguard, who mesh semi-cheeseball, symphonic keys with growly vocals, breakneck drums, and death metal guitars. I’ve heard some of their new album, Firefight, and while parts of it make me giggle (it can be a little hard to take the snarly vocals seriously when they’re singing over RenFest-style keys & strings melodies).

Full list (of what’s left, anyway) below:

Hugo/Pearl and The Beard/Joe Mathlete @ The Mink
South By Due East, featuring Guy Schwartz & The New Jack Hippies, Dane Sonnier, Ethereal Spectrum, Little Red Radio, Orange Is In, Petesimple, Yokomono, Zwee, Rozz Zamorano Trio, Lani Ford, The Scars Heal In Time, Willie B, Tyagaraja, Myrna Sanders, Overeasy, Crown, & more @ Dan Electro’s Guitar Bar (3PM-1AM; free!)
Belphegor/Blackguard/Gigan/Neuraxis/Venomous Supremacy @ Numbers
SXSW Overflow Fest, featuring Shark?, Standing Shadows, & MiniBoone @ Super Happy Fun Land
Hadag Nahash @ Warehouse Live (Studio)

Post by . This entry was posted on Sunday, March 13th, 2011. Filed under Posts.

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2 Responses to “Yr. (Very Late) Weekend, Pt. 3: Joe Mathlete + SXSW Overflow Fest + Tyagaraja + Hadag Nahash + Blackguard + More”

  1. april5k on March 14th, 2011 at 9:15 am

    On a quest to kill the promoter of that white mystery show, they did play and I didn’t find out until this morning and I’m furious. I wanna know who booked it bc they did zero promotion and I’ve been wanting to see them for nearly 2 years now.

  2. Jeremy Hart on March 14th, 2011 at 9:39 am

    Ah, damn — that sucks. :( They sound like they’d be pretty awesome to see…

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