Update: KTRU Outdoor Show Gets (Mister) Heavenly

Some nice additional news about the recently-announced 20th Annual KTRU Outdoor Show, folks — way back when the show was still in-the-works & under-wraps, we got word that the KTRU gang were hoping against hope…

NCAA’s Big Dance: The Hold Steady & Kings of Leon (& Others), for Free at Discovery Green

Folks, I’m not a sports fan. Texan though I may be, I can’t muster much more than a shrug when it comes to watching sports. Playing ’em? Hell, yeah, so long as you don’t expect me to be good. But watching ’em, eh…not so much…

Pretty Lights, Glowing In The Darkest Night

“Come and watch the pretty lights!” exclaimed the 1966 Pink Floyd poster that inspired producer Derek Vincent Smith to name his electronic music project Pretty Lights in 2006. Four years later, after releasing the two-part Filling Up the City Skies

Found Footage Fest, Tomorrow at Fitz

Ever wonder what happens to old video tapes, now that VHS players are steadily creeping towards dodo-dom (although yeah, we still have one, mostly because Midget #2 likes watching the old Thomas the Tank Engine videos)? Well, Joe Pickett and Nick Prueher know the answer…

Two Good-News (Temporary) Reunions: Weird Party + Blueprint

A couple of bits of good news to share, in case you haven’t already heard, primarily from the One-More-For-The-Kids-Yo department…

First off, readers of this here blog may recall a depressing announcement from a while back about spastic, fiery garage-punks {Weird Party} imploding in a burst of greasy black smoke…

Yr. (Late) Weekend, Pt. 3?: Benefit For Japan + Spring Howl + Binarium + Kevin Seconds + Rudz MS150 Benefit + More

Sorry, sorry, sorry, y’all — spent Friday night & Saturday celebrating being married for a decade and attempting some half-assed home improvements (which ended up being a letdown, really; after putting Atom & His Package’s “I’m Downright Amazed (At What I Can Destroy With Just A Hammer)”…

Help Japan, Today at The Caroline Collective

A cool, cool benefit event going on today/tonight (Sunday, March 27th) over at the Caroline Collective, as this week’s installment of The Caroline Sessions

Caroline Sessions Interview #3: Featherface and Westbound

The Caroline Sessions are doing some real good this weekend. Sunday (tomorrow) they’ll be hosting a Benefit for Japan at Caroline Collective, with funds going to the Red Cross. Plenty of bands and sponsors have volunteered their time, money, and effort…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Murs + The Octopus Project + Arthur Yoria + Two Star Symphony + More

Hey, all — gotta make it quick, as I’m headed off to some anniversary-celebrating with the wife this evening… Tonight (Friday, March 25th) is one hell of a busy night (er, and day, too), though, so there’s plenty, plenty to check out…

Houston Twestival 2011, Today!

Damn, damn, damn. I just about completely dropped the ball on this one, I’m sad to say. Indefatigable SCR contributor Robin (whose own very cool blog is up over here & well worth a read, btw) pointed me to this thing last freaking week…

Calling All Drummers: Muhammad Ali & Giant Battle Monster Need You

Sounds like it’s been a bad week for local bands and drummer-type people… I dunno the details, but in the past few days both {Muhammad Ali} and {Giant Battle Monster} have parted ways with their respective drummers…

Ben Weasel Loses His Shit, Then Loses His Band

I can’t say I’m all that surprised by the whole Ben Weasel debacle at SXSW this past week — I mean, the guy basically made his name by being a belligerent, in-your-face asshole…

SXSW Overflow 2011: Last Day! (Mal Blum, Zoe Boekbinder, Space Capone, & East Cackalacky Ascetic Marching Death Band)

Well, damn. I’d thought tonight (Wed., March 23rd) was going to only be the final-night-plus-one of the Super Happy Fun Land SXSW Overflow Fest extravaganza, but now I’m looking at the SHFL calendar…

Hell City Kings/White Rhino, Hell City Kings vs. White Rhino

Whoa. A gang of legendarily wild, tattooed, hard-drinking dudes from right here in H-town versus a similarly-tattooed, leather-clad trio from Austin, both of which I’ve heard insane party/show stories about? That’d be one hell of a brawl, right there…

SXSW Overflow 2011: Day Fourteen (Apollo 18, Vigilante, Alex Anderson Band, & Vampirates)

Man…falling behind yet again, dammit. See, this is the bad part about working on a computer all day for the Day Job — the last thing I want to do is try to come up with yet more words on a screen…

Das Racist, Sit Down, Man

Alright, so I’ve got to confess that I’ve got no fucking clue what the difference is between a mixtape and a “real” release, these days, except that (maybe?) you give the former away for free. I mean, look at Das Racist’s Sit Down, Man

SXSW Overflow 2011: Day Thirteen (Visions, Grass Is Green, Mr. Free & The Satellite Freakout!, National Reserve, & More)

Gah. Back again, y’all, at least briefly. Took a wee bit of a vacation last week and then ended up hanging out in the emergency room last night when I should have been quick-fast writing up Sunday’s shows, but now I’m kinda-sorta back on my feet…

Yr. (Late) Weekend, Pt. 2: Overflow Fest + Giant Battle Monster + The Tyburn Jig + Jealous Creatures + Gladys Knight + More

The site’s getting short shrift again tonight, I’m afraid; it’s been a crazy couple of days, trying to get a ton of stuff done while I’ve been technically on vacation, and right now I’m in the horrific throes of re-doing the back room, which basically means moving everything out of it…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: football, etc. (Reviewed!) + Koffin Kats + Fat Tony + SXSW Overflow + Sean Reefer + More

Apologies (as always) for the lateness of this one; spent the last two days having Family Time at the Rodeo (where I had to attempt to explain the origin of the St. Patrick’s Day holiday to an annoyed South African carny) & out at the Blue Bell factory in Brenham (which I’d never been to before)…

football, etc., The Draft

Look, I know definitions change. Hell, I work with words for a living, day in and day out — I’m well aware that a word can mean one thing and then shift into meaning something else. That doesn’t mean, however, that I have to like it…

SXSW Overflow 2011: Day Nine (Archimedes, Watch Out!, Golden Time, This City Defects, & More)

Okay, so we’re coming up on Day 9 of Super Happy Fun Land‘s SXSW Overflow Fest, and the lineups are definitely getting lengthier; I’m going to try to write up everybody on the bill…

Rugz D Bewler, Save Bewler: The Memoirs of Muhammad Mc’Fly

Someone on this humble blog once called Rugz D Bewler’s “Super Bad” a “truly terrible” track; a song with fantastic minimalist beats that unfortunately “can’t polish lyrical shits” spewed out by Mr. Bewler. That opinionated writer was speaking of Ski Beatz’ 24 Hour Karate School

Tonight: Damien Jurado + Franz Nicolay + listenlisten + Square & Compass + Say Hi + More

Holy shit, y’all — what the hell happened to tonight? It’s a Wednesday (March 16th), but it sure looks like a Friday ’round town. Unfortunately, I don’t have time to point fingers at all of it; there’s just too damn much…

SXSW Overflow 2011: Day Eight (Dog Day, SGNLS, GreyMarket, Secret Society in Smaller Lies, & More)

Another day (Day 8, to be precise) of the Super Happy Fun Land SXSW Overflow Fest, and here’s another slew of bands, some very cool, some decent, and some eh

Houston in Austin: Hometown Folks Playing SXSW 2011

Okay, I’ll admit it: I’m watching the SXSW coverage ramping up and feeling somewhat bummed that I’m not there to witness it. sigh. This may sound a little crazy, but I’ve only ever been to SXSW one damn time…

The Houston Sound Starts Up Again, This Friday

Another little tidbit of good news for the week; I’d been afraid that maybe The Houston Sound series of shows had faded away when the last round finished…

SXSW Overflow 2011: Day Seven (Rooftop Vigilantes, Secret Mountains, Country Mice, Chris Bathgate, & More)

Day 7 of the SXSW Overflow Fest at Super Happy Fun Land, and eh, I can’t even come up with anything witty to say about the thing in general, except that the bills are getting better and better…

Sun Airway, Nocturne of Exploded Crystal Chandelier

Talk about your appropriately-named bands; Philadelphia duo Sun Airway (aka Jon Barthmus and Patrick Marsceill) hit every note it sounds like they should be hitting, from the name, swooping and soaring their way…

Country Mice, Make Your Own Damn Fun EP

After several listens, I have to say that Country Mice’s Make Your Own Damn Fun 7″/EP wins the award for the most schizophrenic musical identity scattered across the fewest number of actual songs. A-side “A Good Old-Fashioned Barn Raising” starts deceptively…

New Summerfest Bands Revealed

In case you hadn’t seen it already, today brought some news on the Free Press Summerfest front: the {Free Press Houston} crew announced four new artists for this year’s ‘fest, namely OutKast‘s Big Boi

KTRU Outdoor Show Lineup Announced

In case you thought the Free Press Summerfest was the only hotly-anticipated local festival-type deal still to come this spring/summer — yep, we’re fast approaching the annual, awesomely fun (and free, which is always cool) KTRU Outdoor Show

Sun Hotel, Coast

If you squint, Sun Hotel’s Coast almost — almost — sounds like it emerged fully formed out of the Northern woods, full of Gibbard-y solemnity, Arcade Fire grandeur, and Moondoggies atmosphere. Dig deeper, though, and the vibe of the band’s Louisiana home bleeds…

SXSW Overflow 2011: Day Six (Terror Pigeon Dance Revolt, Aficionado, Janka Nabay, The Demon Beat, & More)

Six days in, and god-knows-how-many to go… Next installment of the Super Happy Fun Land SXSW Overflow Fest tonight, and things are looking a bit busier than they have up to this point; see here for the evening’s full schedule…

Tonight: Parts & Labor(!) + Black Congress + Davila 666 + Muhammad Ali + Toro Y Moi + Cloud Nothings + More

Busy night for a Monday (March 14th), and there’re some very cool shows going on, especially the Parts & Labor show up at Fitzgerald’s (which also happens to be the first show…

Caroline Session Interview #2: Melissa Savcic and File Under Jeff

For the second on-the-road Caroline Session, Melissa Savcic and File Under Jeff played last Sunday at the Spacetaker ARC. Despite the occasional interruption by a passing train, they both played solid sets…

Yr. (Very Late) Weekend, Pt. 3: Joe Mathlete + SXSW Overflow Fest + Tyagaraja + Hadag Nahash + Blackguard + More

Late, late, late, again, and I know some of the show-type things have slipped past; sorry about that, y’all… I really, truly meant to mention {Chris Becker}‘s Music for Silent Films deal at FrenetiCore

SXSW Overflow 2011: Day Five (Shark?, Standing Shadows, & MiniBoone)

Alright, so while I’m homebound, I figured it’d make at least a little sense to go ahead and get the lineup for tomorrow’s (Sunday, March 13th) Super Happy Fun Land SXSW Overflow Fest out of the way… Yet another light bill…

SXSW Overflow 2011: Day Four (Megan Jean and The KFB, Joe and the Jungle, 28 North, & Pearl and the Band)

Late, late, late on these, I know — sorry, had to deal with sick family members & sleep-deprived kids and was only briefly able to get online ’til now. But hey, there’s still time to get on over to Super Happy Fun Land for Day Four

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Spring Forward (Plus Reviews!) + South By Due East + Los Skarnales Tour Kickoff + More

Running out of time yet again, unfortunately, so I’m going to have be kinda brief about what all’s going on today/tonight, Saturday, March 12th… I had been hoping to be able to make it out to the Spring Forward Music Festival

The Bright Light Social Hour, The Bright Light Social Hour

At first blush, Austin band The Bright Light Social Hour’s self-titled debut would sound perfectly at home on just about any classic-rock station you can name, although unlike a lot of their retro-rock contemporaries, they don’t reach backwards to the Stones, Byrds, or Zeppelin…

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