The Old Quarter Acoustic Café

413 20th Street Galveston, TX. 77550 Packages/Posters: 9176 Jamaica Beach Galveston, TX. 77554 (409) 795-7777 (409) 762-9199 “wrecks” at “wt dot net”

TUT’s Conroe

711 Madeley Conroe, TX. 77301 (936) 539-1500 “tuts” at “tutsconroe dot com”

Houston House of Creeps

2710 Carrollton St. Houston, TX. 77023 “scottistoobored” at “gmail dot com” Booking: Russell (979-319-1208; “houstonhouseofcreeps” at “gmail dot com”)

Nutty Jerry’s

18291 Englin Rd. Winnie, TX. 77665 (409) 296-2406 Box Office: (877) 643-7508

Summerfest Lineup to Be Revealed, on Valentine’s Day

While it might not win you points with any but the most hipster-ish of dates this coming Valentine’s Day, the {Free Press Houston} folks have a little party set up, just for you. Well, you and pretty much anybody else who’s psyched to learn who…

Live: The Get Up Kids

My best friend and I arrived anxious and late at Warehouse Live for The Get Up Kids show, right before the band released its new album, There Are Rules, which came out January 25. The band hails from Kansas City, Missouri…

Tonight: Born Liars + DILLAgence + Robert Ellis

I know I’ve already talked up the show I’d most like to see tonight, were I not still broken from the past several days’ traveling…

Tomorrow Night: Flogging Molly @ House of Blues

Anybody who reads this blog anywhere in the vicinity of St. Patty’s Day knows how big a torch I carry for any even remotely related to Irish folk music — I’m a genuine West European mutt, but the closest tie I’ve got to that other hemisphere is on my mom’s side…

BOAT, Setting the Paces

BOAT is a band from Seattle that plays sloppy punk rock music and sings about the most random things. Their sound is kind of like a more punk rock version of The Mountain Goats. The first time I heard the band’s most recent record, Setting the Paces

“When We Ruled H-Town” Showcase & Preview, Tonight

Sadly, I’m not in town for this, but it sounds really damn cool, & I didn’t want to miss mentioning it… I’d heard rumblings for a while now about somebody making a documentary all about that heady golden age of H-town music back in the early ’90s, but I could never find much about the […]

Yr, Weekend (In Brief): Featherface + Ladysmith Black Mambazo + Progressive Collective + Freezerfest 4 + “When We Ruled H-Town” + More

Don’t have a lot of time to go into the details, unfortunately, but there’s plenty of cool stuff to do this weekend, should you be out & about in the freezing cold winds/rain/possible snow. Yours truly will be, um, a little out of the area for the time being (quite possibly some place warmer), but hey…

The Progressive Collective Hits Warehouse Live, This Saturday

Quite a bit coming for our cold-ass weekend, but I wanted to point a quick finger at one thing in particular before I forget and/or let things slide to the absolute last second. In case you hadn’t heard of ’em already, there’s a new-ish, loosely-affiliated grouping of bands…

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