Comicpalooza Gets Admiral Adama

Non-music-related, but hey; I had a blast last year with Midget #1 at Comicpalooza, and while the list of guests so far hasn’t been that mind-blowing, they announced a new big-namer today: Edward James Olmos, better known (possibly) to lots of folks out there as Admiral William Adama of the Battlestar Galactica.

Obviously, the guy’s been in a ton of other things — I always liked his character in Blade Runner, personally, and Stand and Deliver and American Me are both fine, fine films. But these days I can’t look at the guy without seeing him in his Colonial Fleet uniform, and I’m assuming that’s why he’ll be at Comicpalooza; I’ve also heard rumors Olmos himself has some kind of followup movie thing in mind for the “new” BSG series, and while I was annoyed beyond belief at the lameness of the show’s ending, I still like what went beforehand enough to be psyched about the prospect of that.

Be warned that getting to actually see Adama (er, Olmos) will probably be somewhat like it was to see Bruce Campbell at last year’s deal — the line we saw was so damn huge, with people lining up hours beforehand, that we didn’t even bother to wait (and even if I’d wanted to, there’s no way the then-six-year-old would’ve been able to sit still for that long).

There are some other interesting folks on the list, btw, like Candyman‘s Tony Todd, sci-fi/horror/etc. writer Joe R. Lansdale, and a rerun from last year’s show, my boyhood artist idol Larry Elmore. Hopefully there’ll be more announced as it gets closer to the May 27-29 date, as well…

Post by . This entry was posted on Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011. Filed under Posts.

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One Response to “Comicpalooza Gets Admiral Adama”

  1. SPACE CITY ROCK » Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: The Busy Kids + Manchester Orchestra + The Standells + Wails + Holy Fiction + Spin Doctors + More on May 27th, 2011 at 4:53 pm

    […] had a blast, even though she had no idea who Chewbacca was. And hey, this year they’ve got Admiral Adama, so […]

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