Get Ume on the Cover of Rolling Stone

Okay, so they haven’t called Houston home for several years now, but fuck it — Ume is still one of the baddest-ass bands ever to come out of this town, and they deserve any amount of praise I can give ’em.

I’m definitely not the only one that feels that way, obviously; that’s kind of the point of this post. See, the band’s got a new(?) and very, very big fan called Rolling Stone Magazine. The venerable mag’s named Ume one of the best unsigned bands in the freaking country, and I don’t think they’re wrong.

Better still, they’ve picked Ume to be a contestant in their Choose the Cover Contest, where fans vote for which unsigned band they thing should be on the cover of the magazine — apparently whoever wins would be the first unsigned band to make it on the cover (which I happen to think is fucking ridiculous, but hey, that’s a whole other deal).

If you think — as I do — that Ume’s really, truly ought to win this thing, go to the band’s Website and vote using the Rolling Stone widget-y thing on the main page. And if you’re on the fence, well, watch this and think about it again:

Congrats to the Ume folks for being picked for this, btw; hopefully they’ll win over the voters. And hey, if you want to check out the band live and in-person, they’re playing March 12th over at Groundhall. Go witness some of the heaviest-yet-still-gorgeously-melodic rawk you’re likely to ever hear.

Post by . This entry was posted on Sunday, February 20th, 2011. Filed under Posts.

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