Also Tonight: Reprogram/Trills the Season Bash + The Dead Revolt + Rivers

If neither {The Manichean}‘s remix EP release show nor the Unsilent Night jambox-caroling thing sound good to you this evening, well, never fear, because you’ve still got a couple of other options:

Reprogram Music & Media Annual Holiday Bash/Trills the Season Toy Drive, featuring Screwtape, Nosaprise, Spain Colored Orange, Brandon West & the Black Hats, Young Girls, The Mathletes, Darwin’s Finches, Art Institute, DJ Big Wiz, Mr. Bristle, Flash Gordon Parks, Simple Success, & B-Boy Craig @ Fitzgerald’s (free w/new toy donation, $5/$10)
A very, very, very cool-sounding show, both in terms of good cause-ness and badass music. For the latter, there’s excellent rapper {Nosaprise} & his new band, Screwtape (and who’s responsible for the Trills the Season Toy Drive part of this, I believe), edgy art-punks {Art Institute}, Tropicalian popsters {Spain Colored Orange}, {Darwin’s Finches}, {Young Girls}, and holy-freaking-crap, it’s {The Mathletes}, who also apparently have a new album on the way. Yay!

Oh, and there’s also DJ Big Wiz…wait, hang on, that DJ Big Wiz? Seriously, from Def Jux & all that? Well, shit, that’s some good news, all ’round.

And then there’s the former front, which is the charitable aspect of this thing — toy drives by bands, DJs, & other musicians are always cool, in my book. And hey, in this case your kindhearted donation (of a new toy worth at least $7, so don’t be a cheapass) gets you into the show without paying the cover (which is $5 for the 21+ crowd & $10 for the minors). Do it for the kids, yo.

The Dead Revolt/Rivers @ The Mink
Haven’t actually heard either {The Dead Revolt} or {Rivers} yet, unfortunately — just ain’t enough time in the day, I swear — but I’ve heard good things recently from folks whose musical tastes & generally trust, notably Jef With One F and Craig Hlavaty, and believe me when I say those two are not easy to please. Keep an eye on both bands…

Post by . This entry was posted on Thursday, December 23rd, 2010. Filed under Posts.

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