Antagonist, World In Decline

Antagonist, World In Decline

There are so many bands in the wild world of metal, it’s hard for bands to do something that hasn’t ever been done before. Sadly, many bands go unnoticed, even though they have tons of talent — sometimes more than the famous bands do.

I didn’t know what to expect from Antagonist, for example, as I’d never heard of them before. I have to admit, the quartet from Southern California and their newest release, World In Decline (recorded at Buzzbomb Studios in Orange, CA, with producer Paul Miner), took me by surprise.

Opening track “The Bane of Existence” has a pleasing melody, with drum fills and blastbeats. It’s highly satisfying and pleasing to the ear. World In Decline doesn’t stop there, though; the pace begins to pick up with “Sasha Grey,” a fast-paced song that will bring on the headbanging. I found a bit of an influence from As I Lay Dying in the “Disguised in White” track, as well. I would have to say that if I were at a live show, these songs would definitely be pit-worthy.

Antagonist is one of the few bands around that seem to still incorporate the guitar solo in their songs. Personally, I’m a fan of the guitar solo, but some metal listeners may not be. So if you aren’t a fan of the guitar solo, this is not the album for you. Carlos Garcia and Roland Leonard are extremely talented guitarists, and they definitely show it off with their sweep picking and melodic, fast solos.

When it comes to criticisms for World In Decline, I don’t have many. I believe this album definitely shows a bit of anger or angst in the vocals, and that becomes a bit repetitive and somewhat typical-sounding after a while. Aside from that, however, it’s a great album, and I look forward to hearing what they do on their next release.

(Prosthetic Records -- 11664 National Blvd. #413, Los Angeles, CA. 90064;; Antagonist --
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Review by . Review posted Tuesday, December 21st, 2010. Filed under Features, Reviews.

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