The Sour Notes at Mango’s, Tonight (Plus Muhammad Ali, Hiss & Hum, Zorch, & Review/MP3s!)
Wanted to give an extra-special shoutout to Austin (by way of Houston; singer/guitarist Jared Boulanger used to be in a bunch of bands down here, I know) quintet The Sour Notes, who’re coming through our fair city tonight & stopping at the yes-its-still-running Mango’s.
They’re playing tonight with some other very cool folks, namely {Muhammad Ali}, who blow me away all over again every time I hear ’em, new {Spain Colored Orange} side project Hiss & Hum (which I’ve heard is cool but haven’t seen/heard yet), & Zorch, an Austin bunch I don’t know well but whose retro-synth craziness seems pretty entertaining.
Posted a review of the Notes’ latest release, btw, their brand-spankin’-new 7″, Hot Pink Flares, and it’s pretty dang cool. I’m liking the A-side, in particular, with its revved-up (but still sweet) guitars and Wild Moccasins-y delivery, but the B-side, “Psych Thrill,” is cool, too (in a lower-key way), as is the extra-special “digital download bonus” track, a cover of Beyoncé’s “Halo.” Check out the full review over here.
And hey, after you’re done with that, hell, why not just go ahead and download the whole damn thing while you’re at it?:
The Sour Notes – “Hot Pink Flares”
The Sour Notes – “Psych Thrill”
The Sour Notes – “Halo”
Thanks to the band (new-ish bassist Amarah Ulghani, in particular) for letting us post these up here, btw. Free music == yay!
Of course, now that youv’e gone and swiped bread out of hardworking musicians’ mouths, well, you’re pretty well obligated to go see ’em play tonight, right? Right?
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