This Weekend: Temporary Insanity Roars into Houston

UPDATE II, ELECTRIC BOOGALOO: Aaaaand now it’s back. Travis has gotten things resolved with the idiots at Facebook (who apparently gave some totally vague answers about “conduct of potentially fake accounts” as the reason why they blew away his account with zero notice), and the event listing is back up, so I’ve re-linked it here.

UPDATE: Since Facebook has apparently deleted Travis’ account and the event itself, I’ve removed those links from the post. Fret not, however; the show is still on, as planned. Thanks, FB morons…

Damn, damn, damn — I’d fully meant to post about this before now, but things got away from me, as they tend to do…sorry ’bout that, y’all.

At any rate, following in this coming weekend’s “holy shit, how is all of this going on?” theme, the two-day Temporary Insanity festival will be blowing the collective roofs off of Notsuoh, Dean’s Credit Clothing, & Vinyl Junkie. And it is going be pretty freaking great, seriously.

Organizer Travis Jones has pulled together a hell of a lineup, first and foremost, with pretty much every garage-punk-ish band going in Texas today in there somewhere, from The Fleshlights to {Born Liars} to The Stuffies (which I think features Omari of sorely-missed H-town band The Jewws) to {Something Fierce} to Rayon Beach & beyond.

Check out the flyer over there on the right for the full details, but the basic deal is that there’re two nights/days worth of garage-rock/punk madness, Friday, December 17th & Saturday, December 18th. There’re bands playing both nights at Notsuoh & Dean’s, and then there’s a cool-sounding Record Swap thing going on over at Vinyl Junkie on Saturday (from 12-6PM, so you’ll still have time to hoof it over to downtown from the warehouses).

The Record Swap will reportedly have lots of stuff for sale (and, er, swapping?) from various punk distros — I know Death Exclamations will be there — not to mention the Vinyl Junkie store itself. (Oh, and a few lucky bastards can pick up one of the limited-edition silkscreened poster versions of the flyer, too, for $10.)

And hey, the whole thing’s all ages and a measly $8, which gets you into both Notsuoh & Dean’s (the Record Swap’s free) — not sure if the $8 is per night, but even still, that’s a damn low price for this many good bands. Those into garage, punk, rock, or badass music in general, you’ve got some planning to do for the weekend…

Side Note: As this is going to be (and, I’m betting, already is) a pretty massive undertaking, Travis could use some help. If you want to volunteer to help out, whether it’s running sound, helping bands load out, etc., etc., email him at “defendtheghetto” at “hotmail dot com”. Help make this thing one of the most mind-blowingly cool punk fests to hit Houston since, well, ever, eh?

Post by . This entry was posted on Wednesday, December 15th, 2010. Filed under Posts.

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5 Responses to “This Weekend: Temporary Insanity Roars into Houston”

  1. SPACE CITY ROCK » Does Facebook Hate Garage Rock? (And No, Temporary Insanity’s Not Cancelled) on December 15th, 2010 at 1:56 pm

    […] nobody panic. Remember earlier, when we posted about the Temporary Insanity garage-punk-rawk fest going on this coming weekend? Well, apparently some genius at Facebook decided to not only delete […]

  2. Tweets that mention SPACE CITY ROCK » This Weekend: Temporary Insanity Roars into Houston -- on December 15th, 2010 at 6:50 pm

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Rachel Orosco, space city rock. space city rock said: Temporary Insanity this weekend. I wouldn’t miss it if I were you. […]

  3. SPACE CITY ROCK » Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: the last place you look + Temporary Insanity + The Eastern Sea + Caddywhompus (Reviewed!/Free Download!) + Lotus Effect + More on December 17th, 2010 at 4:42 pm

    […] & The Examples @ Notsuoh/Dean’s Credit Clothing (7PM-2AM; $8) Talked about this one quite a bit lately (more than once, even), but it’s still a badass lineup, particularly tonight. I […]

  4. Houston Locksmith on December 22nd, 2010 at 4:58 pm

    I could not agree more. We’ve lived as well as labored in the Houston region for numerous years, and this is certainly exactly the way I think. Bless you!

  5. SPACE CITY ROCK » Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Indian Jewelry + Roky Moon & BOLT Do-Over + Girls Rock Camp + Temporary Insanity II + Jesse Dayton + More on March 26th, 2013 at 11:14 am

    […] more on this one, check out here, here, […]

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