Another Cool Thing This Weekend: Houston Re-Market, Tomorrow

Hadn’t heard about this before now, and that’s a shame, because it sounds very cool. Tomorrow (11/20) is the next date for the Houston Re-Market, the idea of which is to create a craft/art market where the focus is less on making new stuff and more on reusing and repurposing stuff you’ve already got.

The market apparently features artists & craftspeople who work with either recycled or reused materials, plus a swap-meet-type area where you can trade clothes & household items, and an area where you can recycle a bunch of stuff. Oh, and there’s music & whatnot throughout the thing, too.

I dig the overall concept, especially for the vendors — here at our house, we’ve been talking about doing less buying this Christmas and more making stuff, particularly stuff we can make right here with supplies we already have. So the idea of getting presents for folks that are at least trying to reduce waste just a little bit is pretty neat.

Anyway, the market’s at 2850 Fannin, and it runs from 11AM to 4PM; check it out.

Post by . This entry was posted on Saturday, November 20th, 2010. Filed under Posts.

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