Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Lower Dens (MP3) + Paz Arts + Dr. Dog (Reviewed!) + Art Institute + The Queers + More

Holy crap. There are an insane number of cool-sounding shows going on tomorrow, Saturday, November 13th — I mean, seriously, a shitload of good shows, so many I’m pretty sure I’m missing some. Here goes:

Lower Dens/Grandfather Child @ Antidote
Almost missed this one, believe it or not; I tend to not check Antidote for shows, esp. since the last one they have posted is a Young Mammals show from 2009, y’know? And it’d be a shame to miss it, since ex-Houstonians Jana Hunter & Will Adams, both now of Lower Dens, are making some cool, cool music these days. Check out some proof:

Lower Dens – “Blue And Silver”

Plus, there’s always the awesome, awesome, head-scratchingly good {Grandfather Child}, which never fails to send chills up my spine. Lucas Gorham can really wail on that pedal steel. Oh, and be warned — this is supposedly an early show, although I’m not sure just when it’ll start…

Paz Arts Festival, featuring Thavius Beck, Grandfather Child, Fat Tony, Perseph One, Tax the Wolf, Nosaprise, Babel Fishh, Young Girls, Brandon West & the Black Hats, Electric Attitude, Focusyn, Mr. Castillo, DJ Meshak, & FREDster @ Walter’s (2PM-2AM)
Been hearing about this one for quite a while now, and it sounds pretty promising — several of my favorite H-town bands & musicians are playing, particularly the aforementioned {Grandfather Child} (I’m guessing they’re playing earlier?), rappers {Fat Tony}, {Nosaprise}, & {Perseph One}, electro-glam-rockers {Electric Attitude}, & cool Latino prog-rock dudes {Tax the Wolf}. I’m especially psyched, too, to see truly oddball rapper {Babel Fishh} out & performing again.

Ellypseas/Art Institute/Killing Clover @ Jet Lounge
Heard good things about {Ellypseas} recently, and I’ve been pretty impressed so far by the {Art Institute} — they’re art-punks, appropriately, and still nicely raggedy around the edges. They’re one of the most promising of the new bands in town these days; check ’em out.

Dr. Dog/Here We Go Magic @ Warehouse Live (Studio)
Okay, so it’s a teeny bit late, but just in time for tomorrow night’s Dr. Dog show, we’ve got a real-live review of the band’s last show in our fair city, back in May of this year. It sounds like they were pretty great then; I’m betting Saturday’s no exception. And hey, what I’ve heard so far of Here We Go Magic isn’t half-bad, either.

Check out SCR writer Preston‘s excellent writeup of that earlier show, right over here.

The Queers/The Riptides/Charger Fits @ Fitzgerald’s
I haven’t listened to The Queers in a long, long, long damn time, but I still remember ’em fondly; there was a point in my life when Screeching Weasel-style pop-punk was a pretty crucial thing. There’s only original member Joe Queer left, but eh, who cares? Besides, the real draw here is local crew {Charger Fits}, who do a nicely old-school type of almost skate-punk rock, all booze and elbows and punches. Good shit.

Thunder Soul Screening, featuring the Kashmere Reunion Band @ Discovery Green (6:30PM)
Just a quick note on this one; it was scheduled for this past Thursday, I believe, but the bad weather put the kibosh on that. It’s scheduled for tomorrow evening now, instead…which could mean it’ll be rained out yet again, if the weatherpeople are to be believed. Either way, I definitely hope it happens; I’ve heard good things about the Kashmere Stage Band documentary Thunder Soul, and the Kashmere Reunion Band sounds pretty cool, too.

Cadre/The Wheel Workers/Caddywhompus/Mantis/Chase Hamblin @ The Meridian (Lounge)
MC Chris/MC Frontalot/Schiffer the Darklord @ Fitzgerald’s
Karina Nistal @ Cactus Music (1PM)
Katie Stuckey @ Natachee’s Supper’n Punch (3622 Main; 1-5PM)
Dead Audio Fest, featuring The Haters, RU-486, Astrogenic Hallucinauting, Derek Rogers, Screamin’ Fetus, Goat, Ze’ro-Sum, Ascites, Peiiste, Breakdancing Ronald Reagan, Protists of Nebula, Four Flies, Serum Fantis, Concrete Violin, So Boring, Thule, Jackie Kennedy, Carbon & Water, Painful Vigil, White Gimp Mask, Sigulda, Steel Hook Prostheses, Endless Blinding Sunshine, Third World Abortion, Priest in Shit, R.S.P., Hierchiss, Zahava, ATWA, The Vomit Arsonist, Lychgate, A Fail Association, Static Storm System, Awen, Churner, Immaculate:Grotesque, Bereft, Goatlab, Arvo Zylo, Mike Payne, Fight Trannys, In the Land of Archers, Pusdrainer, Kai-ros, T.E.F., Skwaarmalar Machine, Skönhet, & The Annoysters @ Super Happy Fun Land
The Ugly Beats/Amplified Heat/Modern Don Juans/DJ Psychedelic Sex Panther @ The Continental Club
Dr. Dog @ Cactus Music (2:30PM)
Forever The Sickest Kids/I See Stars/Runner Runner/Otenki/VerseCity @ Numbers
Baby Got Bacteria/Lick Lick @ Rudyard’s
Kallisti, featuring Champa Moore, Candice Elliot, Sean Carnahan, Lucas Keizer, DJ Lullaby, Derek Jones, DJ Drew, DJ Phuel, Dayta, Josh Dupoint, Esteban Torres, the Lone Popes, Henry Chow, Sasha Braverman, Bjorn Larsen, & LBO @ Avant Garden (3PM-2AM)
Gritsy, featuring Pawn, EMU, Dread Foxx, Squincy Jones, Suraj K., Upgreyed, Alex C, Bobby Blyss, Esteban Torres, & Sines @ Stereo Live
Shut Up Sidney @ The Satellite Room (11124 Cypress North Houston; 8-10PM)

Post by . This entry was posted on Saturday, November 13th, 2010. Filed under Posts.

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3 Responses to “Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Lower Dens (MP3) + Paz Arts + Dr. Dog (Reviewed!) + Art Institute + The Queers + More”

  1. creg on November 13th, 2010 at 2:32 am

    seriously? Lick Lick at rudz after the play? thats insane.

  2. Jeremy Hart on November 13th, 2010 at 11:01 am

    Yeah, that occurred to me, too — it was still on the Rudz calendar as of yesterday, though…

  3. creg on November 14th, 2010 at 3:11 am

    it was real, alright. lick lick opened, . and Matt is in baby got bacteria, too. it was crazy. baby got bacteria is great, by the way.

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