Giveaway Time: Win a Pair of Ghoulsfest Tickets

UPDATE: Sorry, folks, but do indeed have a winner; thanks to everybody who emailed in, and keep an eye out for the next one of these things, eh?

Haven’t heard about the whole Ghoulsfest thing coming up this next Saturday (October 30 at Tom Bass Park) yet? Unlikely, I know, but hell, anything’s possible, right?

If you’re one of the few, well, the one-day festival promises to be pretty impressive, with a lineup that includes Bad Brains, …And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead, Girl in a Coma, & a ton of excellent locals. There’ll also be free arcade games, a Saint Arnold beer garden, a skate park, a food court, and (no, seriously), fire dancers. It’s sounding, at least, like it could match up to the two-years-down glory of the Free Press Summer Fest…

Sadly, you’ve missed out on the cheapo early-bird tickets, so the price for an all-day pass is now up to $45 (which still isn’t bad, honestly). But you’re not totally screwed, because the Ghoulsfest folks have been kind enough to provide SCR with a pair of passes to give away to some lucky, lucky person.

Interested? Drop us an email at “gaijin at “spacecityrock dot com” with the Subject line “Gimme Gimme Gimme!”, and we’ll pick a winner out of the hat at random & let ’em know how lucky they really are. Email away…

Post by . This entry was posted on Monday, October 25th, 2010. Filed under Posts.

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One Response to “Giveaway Time: Win a Pair of Ghoulsfest Tickets”

  1. Tweets that mention SPACE CITY ROCK » Giveaway Time: Win a Pair of Ghoulsfest Tickets -- on October 25th, 2010 at 6:58 pm

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Hunter Heimburger and GhoulsFest, space city rock. space city rock said: Wanna win Ghoulsfest tickets? […]

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