Silver Dragon Records

3452 Palmer Hwy. PMB#308 Texas City, TX. 77590 409-939-0897 Fax: 409-948-4409 “info” at “silver-dragon-records dot com”

Agro-Wax Records

As near as I can tell, this label is just about brand-freaking new, and while they don’t seem to have anything solid out yet, they’ve got downloads up for free of some upcoming stuff, notably releases by punks {Janitor} and Crime Wave

Arcana Records

(281) 352-8458 “Villain” at “arcanarecords dot com”

Team Science Records

Damn, I love these guys. One of the more accomplished labels in town, the Team Science crew (who seem to’ve dropped the exclamation point that used to follow the “Science” part) have been cranking out excellent, excellent stuff, by locals and folks from elsewhere, for several years now…


Local noise label run by long-standing scenester/zine-maker Carlos Pozo; he’s put out stuff by his own projects, {Pechuga} and {Price Taggery}, by Sealy-dweller {T.E.F.}, and by Brooklynite turntablist Maria Chavez, I believe…

G.O.A.T. Entertainment

Dunno much about these folks, other than they seem to be pretty much a hip-hop label, with at least one release by a guy named HQ

ArtStorm Records

This is the record label “arm” of the ArtStorm art collective thingy, and unfortunately, it appears to’ve gone dormant since the group released the awesome Summer Exposure comp…

Dull Knife

Dull Knife is hands-down one of the neatest labels in town; I can’t claim to be a huge fan of every band whose music they release, but they do some really good stuff (all vinyl, naturally). The first {Hearts of Animals} 7″ was/is pretty excellent…

Needless Records

Okay, I’ll be honest: I’m not entirely sure this label’s based in Houston, but it sure seems like they are, at least. (If not, let me know, and I’ll take it off the list…) They’ve released stuff by {The Wiggins}, which is a damn fine thing…

Ditchwater Records

I’m a big fan of this label, run by local photog/music maven Rosa Guerrero; she & her compatriots (Daniel Shaw & Eric Roy) put out some of the coolest, nicest-looking 7″s released in this town in at least a decade…


“richkimball315” at “hotmail dot com” A cool-sounding, self-described “boutique” label out of Lake Jackson, run by those crazy folks behind {Fiskadoro}, DEATHISASTAR (not sure about the capitalization/spacing of that, btw) seems to mostly put out stuff by said band and outlying associates like {A Thousand Cranes}, In the Pouring Rain, or Armedalite Rifles (from NY).

Disease Foundry Recordings

A seriously weird one; I honestly have no clue if the stuff these folks put out is the heaviest, nastiest metal imaginable or utterly cromulent, repulsive noise. If you’re into at least one of those things, though — hey, here you go…

Paper Stamp Record Co.

Don’t know a lot about this label, except that they’ve put out stuff by {Giant Princess}, {Azul Karabi}, {The Common Toad}, & {B L A C K I E}, among others, and they’re based (I think) over in Pasadena…

Live: Pearl

It must be tough to be the offspring of a famous person and then attempt to follow them in the same vocation. The road to success is lettered with the bodies of David Flair, Pete Rose, Jr., Cameron Douglas, and John Henry Williams…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Holy Fuck + Indian Jewelry + Balaclavas + Binarium Sound Series + Lower Dens + More

Late, late, late, yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry, had to dig a hole (well, expand an existing hole, actually) in the back yard and then couldn’t really move for a few hours. Anyway, it’s the end of the weekend, and a storm appears to be currently hammering parts of the city…

Cool Movie-Related Thing: Closet Space Out on DVD Today

Hey, just wanted to mention this real quick, both since it’s cool and since we here at SCR are all about supporting our own, yo (as long as what they’re doing is good, anyway)… Quickly-rising horror film director, longtime SCR staffer, and all-round good guy Mel House

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: The Manichean + Lower Dens + sIngs + A dream Asleep + Screwtape + The Neighborhood Show + More

I’ve got two crazed midgets attacking me as I type this, so I’ve got to make it quick; there’s a ton of good stuff going on tonight (Sat., September 11th), though, so you shouldn’t be wanting for something to see/hear/do ’round town this evening…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Benjamin Wesley + Smithfield + Timothy Qualls + Black Joe Lewis + Hank Schyma + More

Just posted about a few of the benefit-ish shows going on this weekend, but there’s plenty more besides, starting today, Friday, September 10th. Here’s what I think sounds good that’s happening today/tonight…

A Weekend of Benefits: Sedition Books + Weird Party + Nathan Hart + Pencils 4 Ghana + Wesfest

Man, there sure seem to be a ton of these types of shows lately; I can’t say that’s a good thing, since they arise in a lot of cases out of some kind of tragedy…

Also Tonight: Pillars and Tongues + listenlisten (New Album Coming!) + Robert Ellis

Yeah, I know I just posted about the KTRU benefit show going on tonight (Thurs., September 9th, in case you’ve forgotten), but I wanted to mention a couple of others, as well, in case you’re out & about…

Tonight: KTRU Benefit Concert/Party #2 at Rice Memorial Center!

Fight on, fight on, fight on. Contrary to popular belief, the deal to sell Rice University’s beloved radio station, {KTRU}, to the folks over at KUHF ain’t done yet; in fact, the growing public outcry about the deal seems to be making both universities wonder what the hell they were thinking in the first place…

Deadline Noise Recordings

Richard Ramirez 17010 Blairwood Drive Houston, TX. 77049 “deadlinerecordings” at “hotmail dot com”

Heavy Leather Records

I freaking love the info provided by Beau Beasley, main man behind Heavy Leather, so hell, I’m just going to paste it in here…

Iconoclast Productions

21002 Sand Springs Trail Crosby, TX. 77532 (281) 740-4927

Action Town Records

Sadly, my introduction to Action Town was with the last blaze-of-glory release by one of my favorite H-town bands ever, {Teenage Kicks}; their Uptight was/is a pretty great way to go out…

Ghosthunt Records

Dunno much about this label, except that they primarily put out cassettes(!), mostly by Austinites Mammoth Grinder. There’re a couple of vinyl releases in there, too…

Ossuary Industries

Metal, metal, metal. I’ve never heard any of these bands, I must admit, but they’ve all got names like Dismemberment and Limb Splitter and put out albums called Bleeding His Sacred Kingship

Cutthroat Records

One of the best damn punk labels in town, I’d love Cutthroat, honestly, if all they did was put out records by local garage-punk/rawk heroes {Born Liars}. Happily, that’s not all they do…

Psycho Wolf Records

A relatively-new label in town, the Psych Wolf crew (er, person?) puts out mostly loud, fast, messy punk, thrash, and hardcore, all old-school and all noisy as hell…

Paper Weapons Records

The “in-house” label of local retro-ified rockers {Paris Falls}, and the imprint they’ve used to put out their whole catalogue so far (which is pretty deep); they’re pretty heavily DIY, and the stuff they release tend to sound nicely fuzzy and warm…

ZenHill Records

A new record label in town, and definitely a promising one; it’s a joint venture between Dan Workman of H-town’s legendary SugarHill Studios and Ross Wells of Zenfilm

Tonight’s Houston Sound Series Kickoff, Cancelled

You might’ve heard/read recently about this new thing called {The Houston Sound} — it’s a non-profit deal that’s aimed at getting Houston’s burgeoning music scene recognized and growing even more than it already is, and it sounds like it’s going to do some great stuff in the coming days…

Mia Kat Empire

Excellent local indie-rock/pop label, previously home to The Western Civilization and currently putting out records by Buxton, Gretchen Schmaltz, Framework, & Hollywood Black…

Broken Social Scene, Forgiveness Rock Record

It’s been five years since the critically-acclaimed Broken Social Scene, and expectations are high for the eponymous band. So, how do you follow up your most successful album, and more so, how do you pull of the three-peat without rehashing your previous two albums in hopes recapturing the same success?…

(The Rest of) Yr. Weekend: Black Congress + Omotai + Talib Kweli + Hollywood Black (MP3!) + Binarium + More

When I first tried to type this, I found myself trapped in the sixth circle of Hell, otherwise known as the DMV office, having already waited in two lines to get a number to wait to get into a third line. Ah, the joys of adulthood…

Houston Gets New Record Label: Are We Finally Legit?

I remember talking to Peekaboo Theory early last year when they were considering packing up ship and relocating to Austin. They were frustrated with the lack of musical infrastructure in Houston.

Punch Brothers, Antifogmatic

What do you get when you combine five musically gifted musicians who play the fiddle, upright bass, mandolin, guitar, and banjo? If you’re thinking a bluegrass band, you’re wrong…

Tonight: KTRU Open Forum/Q&A at Rice

I know it might seem to the whole “Save KTRU!” thing has taken over this little blog as of late; apologies for anybody that annoys, but the whole mess is pretty deeply personal to me…

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