Iron Maiden, The Final Frontier

Iron Maiden, The Final Frontier

Metal stalwarts Iron Maiden have returned with the release on The Final Frontier. While most bands of their stature and age are content with releasing Best Ofs and taking the easy payday with summer concerts, these guys have cranked out another stellar collection of songs that fit well with their classic catalog. Like many of their other albums, The Final Frontier has a loose theme — this one’s about space and exploration…hence the “Deluxe” package that resembles a porthole in a spaceship.

“El Dorado” is the first single released, out several weeks prior to the album’s release. It serves as a perfect taste of what’s in store. This song, along with the title track, has a more “commercial” appeal, like what “Can I Play With Madness” had, which is great because it gives an easy access point for new fans. Let’s be honest: with Guitar Hero and Rock Band, many of the classic metal bands are getting new looks from young fans. So by having tracks that are catchy and still showcase the band’s trademark sound, everyone wins.

One of the hallmarks of the Iron Maiden sound is the lengthy songs that take the listener on a musical and lyrical journey. The latter half of The Final Frontier is chock full of these auditory adventures. To me, the real standout is “Starblind,” a 9-minute trek that showcases some unique stylings from Maiden.  What’s so distinctive here is the offbeat synchronization of Bruce Dickinson’s vocals to the music that the band is playing. At first it seems odd when heard, but the genius of the track comes through the longer the song goes. The vocals are not always offbeat, just on some of the choruses making it even more distinguishable and truly awesome.

The Final Frontier is another excellent chapter in Iron Maiden’s history. It shows that no matter a band’s age, creating good original music is a challenge that needs to be accepted and met.

(Legacy Recordings --; Sony Music -- 555 Madison Ave., 10th Fl., New York, NY. 10022-3211;; Iron Maiden --
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Review by . Review posted Thursday, September 16th, 2010. Filed under Features, Reviews.

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