Cutthroat Records

“cutthroatrecords” at “gmail dot com”

One of the best damn punk labels in town, I’d love Cutthroat (the Houston-based label, mind you, not the Canadian one with the hyphen in the middle), honestly, if all they did was put out records by local garage-punk/rawk heroes {Born Liars}. Happily, that’s not all they do — they’ve also released stuff by {Hell City Kings}, {No Talk}, & {The American Heist} (among others), all of whom are very cool by me, and there’s stuff by {The Drunks} and {Ghost Town Electric} on the way, too. These guys are also all-vinyl stalwarts, I believe, so everything’s pretty limited-edition…

Label writeup by . Label writeup posted Wednesday, November 24th, 2010. Filed under Features, Reviews.

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