Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Pianos Become the Teeth + Resonant Interval + Boondocks Anniversary (Weird Party!) + More

Last of the pile, and yep, there’s still stuff going on tonight, Sunday, July 11th, all ’round our little city-type thing. Not as much, I’ll admit, but hey, what’s there’s good, right? Here goes:

Pianos Become the Teeth/iDreaminstereo/Diving/My Brother’s Keeper @ Super Happy Fun Land
I wasn’t real familiar with Marylanders Pianos Become the Teeth ’til very recently, it’s true, when a kind soul sent a copy of Old Pride, the band’s debut, my way, but I’m pretty damn impressed with what they’ve done so far. Old Pride is all murk and thunder, heavily embittered and world-hating screamo that veers close to Refused at some points and a far screamier Four Hundred Years at others — both bands close to my little post-emo heart. Plus, they throw in some cool atmospheric, quiet bits, too, to help leaven the buzzsaw guitars and shredded-throat vocals. Check out a track here:

    Pianos Become the Teeth – “Filial”

And hey, no disrespect to the locals — hardcore kids My Brother’s Keeper don’t sound half bad, and {iDreaminstereo} offer a welcome bit of variety to the lineup with some nicely-crafted electro-pop stuff. Should be a good show.

Resonant Interval Sound Series, featuring Society Of The Spectacle & Zanzibar Snails @ The Exoskeleton (2808 Milam; 7:45PM, $5)
Not sure what’ll become of the Resonant Interval Sound Series once main man and nonstop music-maker/organizer Lance Higdon bids adieu to H-town in favor of the East Coast, so enjoy the remaining installments (of which this is probably either the last or second-last, numerically speaking) while you can…

Tonight’s show features a couple of ensembles who hail mostly from the North Texas ‘hood, one of which is Zanzibar Snails, which wins solely on the basis of name alone. The music is (duh) pretty freaking experimental, although it’s a little more on the orchestral side of things, I think, than a lot of what I’ve heard like this lately. Lots of menacing sounds, chanting, and post-’60s psych strangeness.

Then there’s Society Of The Spectacle, who’re mostly from up in Dallas/Fort Worth but whose ranks also happen to include — yep, you guessed it — everywhere man Higdon himself, at least for this particular show. No clue what they sound like, but it should be interesting, at the very least..

Boondocks Three-Year Anniversary, featuring Weird Party & The Bourgeois Gospel @ Boondocks
Talked about these guys already yesterday, but {Weird Party} definitely merit re-recommending, to my my mind — good, street-level, flat-out rawk that doesn’t really give a shit what you think about it. It can’t help but owe some to frontman Shawn‘s “old” band, the Fatal Flying Guilloteens, based on vocal style if nothing else, but the band draws a lot more heavily on garage-rock touchstones than the Guilloteens ever did. And damn, do they do it well.

Plus, it’s cool to see that Boondocks has survived another year; any time a venue in this town doesn’t collapse after a measly year or two of hosting shows, well, I breathe a big sigh of happy relief. Get on over & celebrate.

The Failed Attempt @ The White Swan
Girl Jam 11, featuring Paige Lewis, Heather Knox, & Grrlz Will Be Boiz @ The Usual (5519 Allen St.; 3PM-2AM)
Jeruselem/The Captive/Legacy Fails/Rehab The Monster @ Fitzgerald’s

Post by . This entry was posted on Sunday, July 11th, 2010. Filed under Posts.

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  • 2. Human Size - Hearts of Animals
  • 3. A Cruel Weight, Thy Wound - Omotai
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