Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Lightning Bolt + Indian Jewelry + football,etc. + Bright Men + Darwin’s Finches + Tread + HPMA News + More

Yep, it’s that time again, and there’s quite a bit going on this weekend, starting tonight, Friday, July 9th. Assuming the weather holds, it’s looking like it could be pretty badass.

Before we go there, though, I’d like to point y’all over to the {Houston Press}, which yesterday unveiled the lineup for this year’s Music Awards Showcase, coming up on Sat., August 7th. I’m sure there’re plenty of folks out there psyched about out-of-town headliners Matt & Kim and Jonathan Tyler & the Northern Lights — both of whom don’t get more than an “eh” out of me at the moment, sorry — but what smacked me across the face wasn’t who’s playing, but where.

I didn’t even look, initially, which is partly the cause for surprise; the Showcase has lived in downtown, mostly, for the past several years, and I didn’t figure that’d be changing anytime soon. But lo and behold, the HP has gone & surprised me by shifting the whole shebang over to the burgeoning Washington Avenue strip. Holy cow.

And yes, I’m thinking this is a good change to make — maybe not permanently, but at least every once in a while. While it stings a little not to be able to ditch the car and bop onto the light rail to get up to the Showcase site (and unless the HP pulls something miraculous out of its hat, I predict that parking is going to suck hard), I’m all for getting our insular-ish music scene pushed out in the faces of people who might not encounter it otherwise.

I’ve rambled about it before w/regard to the Salt Bar (who’re hosting a stage for the showcase), and I honestly think it’s a good thing to get folks like {Buxton} and {B L A C K I E} and {Scale The Summit} playing in front of people who, odds are, haven’t ever even heard of ’em before. Maybe this could signal a corner-turning in the whole WashAve thing — if enough people come out to see the bands, the owners of places like the Salt or the Washington Ave Drinkery might see that hey, having bands/musicians play regularly (and not just on open-mic night) is a good thing.

Anyway, check out the schedule & whatnot on over here, then make your plans, folks…

Oh, and in terms of non-musical things tonight, I’m saddened to have to report that the Aurora Picture Show‘s “Willie Nelson’s Fourth of July Celebration” deal that was supposed to be on Saturday has been rescheduled for next Saturday, July 17th. Apparently the whole place is soaked, what with all the rain we’ve been having, so they’re unable to screen the rare, never-released documentary they’ve got of a vintage Willie gathering up at College Station back in ’74 this weekend. Tickets will be honored next weekend, instead.

Fret not, though, because you can head on over to The Hot Dog Shop (at 6405 Brittmoore) on Saturday to witness the Houston Hot Dog Eating Championship, which, frankly, sounds utterly terrifying after having watched a few episodes of Man Vs. Food. The contest’s a benefit for the North West Lions Club, and apparently there’s some kind of HPD-versus-HFD rivalry that’ll be worked out tomorrow night, too. I dunno if it’s too late to sponsor or join up with a team (see the Shop’s Website), but even still, watching it all unfold sounds like it could be something truly, hideously amazing.

Lightning Bolt/Indian Jewelry/Guards @ The Mekong Skyline (Khon’s rooftop/parking garage)
The biggie of the night, at least for of murky, messy, thundering, melt-your-face rawk like what Lightning Bolt cranks out. And then there’s semi-locals {Indian Jewelry} to contend with, who’ve lately taken to doing some things that sound to me a lot more New Wave-ish than their old stuff (but on the end of the whole New Wave thing that was more focused on experimentation than fashion & posing, thank God), plus openers Guards, who I’ve never heard of.

And yes, unless a freak thunderstorm blows in, this will all be taking place up on the roof/parking garage over Khon’s, at 2808 Milam. The show will start early, at 8PM, because they’ve got to close down no later 11PM to avoid pissing off the neighbors. $12, but

Football Etc. (tour kickoff/record release)/P.S. Eliot/Bright Men of Learning/Grizzly @ Dean’s Credit Clothing (9PM; $5)
I’ll admit to being a little lukewarm on headliners {football, etc.}, whose tour kickoff & album release show this one is — I’ve heard their debut EP (still need to review cough), and the songs are cool in general, all nicely-put-together indie-pop goodness, but the vocals were a little raw around the edges, if memory serves (it’s been a little while, sorry). They were brand-freaking-new in town then, though, so hopefully on the new album they’ve had time to file away at the rough corners & bumps.

Beyond them, of course, I’m always glad to see “dad-rock” band {Bright Men of Learning} escape the house to do a show (and I think this makes two recent shows not at Rudz, which must be some kind of record for the band…heh). I’ve heard bits & pieces of their latest release, Fired, and believe me, it’s good shit. And I like what I’ve heard of alt-country boys {Grizzly}, too; need to hear more of them, definitely.

Darwin’s Finches (CD release)/Giant Princess/Muhammad Ali/American Sharks/Tow the Line @ Walter’s
Sadly, I don’t know a whole hell of a lot about {Darwins Finches} except that they dwell (or used to dwell, anyway) down in Galveston and that this is the CD release for their brand-new album, Old Skatillivich — and no, I have no idea what the hell the album name means.

I have heard good things about these guys, though, and I’m pretty damn well acquainted with fellow show-players {Giant Princess}, who blew me away at Summerfest this year, {Muhammad Ali}, whose new “compilation” CDR I dearly adore, especially the raw, finger-up cheerfulness of “Smiling,” and {American Sharks}, who I’m glad to see haven’t collapsed into oblivion while frontman Mike Hardin goes all Bowie-esque with Bolt.

(And yes, that apparently is Charles Darwin in the flyer. Nice touch.)

Your Mistake/Roots of Exile/Seeker/Tread/No Resistance @ The Mink
Holy blast from the past… Is the Tread listed here actually the legendary punk band ex-ex-Suspects frontman Chris Kendrick used to be in? I never got to see them live when they were around, but I heard some seriously amazing things. I’m glad to see old-school hardcore dudes {Your Mistake} have returned from the dead, as well…

Ola Podrida/Arthur Yoria/The Wiggins @ Mango’s
A bit of a changeup on this show — unfortunately, Woven Bones are reportedly no longer playing, which kinda sucks, because I like what I’ve heard from ’em and know zero about Austinites Ola Podrida except that I keep wondering if their name’s some sort of Star Wars reference I just don’t get. But never fear, {The Wiggins} are (is?) here to keep things freaky and fun and never dull.

Or is he? Actually, now I’m hearing that {Arthur Yoria} is who’s playing, and hey, I’m definitely cool with that, too. Either way you go, sweet-voiced stoner-pop or weirdball freak-pop, you should be good.

Fates Warning/Futures End/Six Minute Century/One of Sixx @ The Scout Bar (Clear Lake)
Okay, so I mostly can’t believe Fates Warning are still touring; that makes the nerdy prog-metal kid who dwells in the back corner of my soul (in a room barricaded off with old Voivod posters) very, very happy…

Black Veil Brides/Vampires Everywhere/Modern Day Escape/Get Scared @ The Junction
Somebody please tell me Black Veil Brides are a joke. Somebody? Please? No? Oh, God. I mean, the music isn’t completely godawful or anything, but… I’m sorry, kid, but you can’t be Ozzy. You really can’t. There already is one, and even in his current half-senile state, he could still obliterate you with a pinkie. I watch these guys and can’t help but think of the lame-ass concert scenes from Queen of the Damned. America, if this is what’s coming down the pike, then we are well and truly fucked.

Maylene and the Sons of Disaster/For Today/Blessed By A Broken Heart/A Plea for Purging/The Color Morale/The Crimson Armada/I The Breather/The Great Commission/In the Midst of Lions/Hundredth @ The Warsaw
Poor Dumb Bastards/Automatic Thrill/Chelsea Hotel @ Rudyard’s
Jon Black/Ensane/Skepticynic/Jody Seabody and The Whirls/Mr. Free/The Satellite Freakout @ Super Happy Fun Land
Continental Club 10th Anniversary Weekend, featuring Disco Expressions @ The Continental Club
Eleven Fingered Charlie/Shark Attack/Suns of the Beach/Skabones/Cadre @ Fitzgerald’s
Wisebird/The TC5/Carl Hayn & The Holdouts @ Last Concert Cafe
The Bourgeouis Gospels/Dirty 3rd Coast @ Warehouse Live

One Response to “Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Lightning Bolt + Indian Jewelry + football,etc. + Bright Men + Darwin’s Finches + Tread + HPMA News + More”

  1. mr ray on July 9th, 2010 at 7:36 pm

    yes! tread returns. I dont think they have played since 95 (deep phat days). i still remember a few of their songs on geetar. I thought they were more straight up rock/ street punk than oi! All the better. i must try and make it.

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