Lilith Fair Skips Houston

I’ll grant that I’m hardly the target market for this, but still, it makes me sad to hear that the resurrected Lilith Fair tour (which just goes by “Lilith” these days, apparently) has had to cancel ten of its dates, including the one scheduled for here in Houston on Sunday, August 15th. Damn.

I mean, I’m not a Sarah MacLachlan fan, in particular, although I do like Sia & Brandi Carlile and am fine with Corinne Bailey Rae & Norah Jones. More than that, though, it’s disappointing to see a tour explicitly aimed at women stumble like this, particularly since the vast majority of the “big” tours I’m seeing come through town are Dudes playing songs written for Dudes to other Dudes. Lilith Fair, whatever you think of the music, is at least something different.

(And yeah, I’ll cop to falling victim to some serious ’90s nostalgia, too. I’d gladly trade a full bucketload of bands I snickered & sneered at back then for the supposed cream of the radio crop these days, in a heartbeat.)

The press release I got sent doesn’t really give a lot of info on the reason for the cancellation, unfortunately, just a note from co-founder Terry McBride about how “challenging” this particular concert season’s been. Other than odd cancellations in Salt Lake City (July 12th) and Montreal (July 23rd), the bulk of the no-go shows are at the tail end of the tour, from August 4th in Raleigh on through Dallas on August 16th, with H-town as the second-to-last date. Yep, that’s zero shows in our fair state, which means that if you live in Texas and were hoping to catch the show, you now have to drive to either Kansas City or Denver for the privilege. Double damn.

Of course, refunds will be made and all that if you’ve already got your tickets; check with wherever you bought ’em…

Oh, and the Jonas Brothers had to reschedule their July 31st show here, too — it’ll now be on Sat., September 11th. Which is wrong, wrong, wrong for so many reasons.

Post by . This entry was posted on Friday, July 2nd, 2010. Filed under Posts.

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