Tonight: Reggae Palooza + Main Street Music Fest

So our intrepid captain in arms Mr. Jeremy Hart has grabbed the fam and jettisoned away on a well deserved vacation, but before he left …

Big News Time: .belville Reunion Tonight + Fitz Under New Management

Hey, all — still mostly offline at the moment, but I managed to get a spare second at a computer, so I figured I’d better post about a couple of things while they’re hot(-ish)…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Tunes For Turtles Blues Benefit + Ingrid Michaelson + Keane + More

It’s a bit of quiet Sunday (July 25th), honestly…unless, of course, you count the “big” show of the night, up at Toyota Center. If you don’t already have tickets for one of those two Lady Gaga shows this evening, though, you’re out of luck…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Tambersauro Bows Out + Bettye LaVette + Clouseaux + Animals As Leaders + Tone Loc in San Leon + More

Late, I know — spent the day bouncing between chaperoning Midget #1 at a birthday party and frantically packing suitcases & such… Just FYI, yours truly will be out of town for a week or two after tomorrow, so the site’ll most likely get a little quieter than usual…

Rallying for a Clean Texas, Today

Hopefully going to do a more “full” rundown of all the musical-type stuff going on today (Sat., July 24th) later on — because there’s quite a bit — but there’s one that’s starting this afternoon at 4PM that I wanted to make sure to mention early…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: George Clinton + Quintron + Leo Party + The Lotus Effect + The Dead Rabbits + Filter + More

Wow. The first of several busy-busy nights, looks like — tonight (Friday, July 23rd) is looking pretty epic, with a ton of possibilities for all you valiant show-going folk out there…

Tambersauro, From the Last Day I Saw You

More than anything else, From the Last Day I Saw You is a manifesto. And really, it feels fitting that as they make their final(?) bow and step off into the wings, Tambersauro should unleash something just like this, tossing aside the oblique lyrics and instrumentals…

The Album Leaf, A Chorus of Storytellers

Jimmy LaValle’s fifth solo album, A Chorus of Storytellers, is a calm trip into his soul. This CD will soothe you, but not in a reassuring, uplifting kind of way. LaValle started in the ’90s, and since then has appeared on The OC soundtrack…

Tonight: We Landed On The Moon! + Tody Castillo + Bright Men + HPMA Preview + Landmine Marathon + More

It’s a busy one tonight, esp. for a Thursday (July 22nd, to be specific), so I figured I’d mention some of the shows going on that sound good to yours truly, for those who’ll be out-and-about this evening…

Jack Conte, Sleep in Color

Jack Conte’s Sleep in Color EP surprised me, with its rich, multi-faceted effects. Such a short endeavor could’ve easily gone unnoticed, but this one packs a lot into five songs. Each one involves a multitude of instruments, with a melody backed by various other parts…

The Other Night: Lanceapalooza, All Night Long at The Exoskeleton

Editorial-ish Note: In spite of actually going to a fair number of shows this past spring & summer, I’ve been really, really bad about doing those little writeup thingies in this here blog. I’ve had grand dreams of writing up every damn show I’ve seen…

Late, Late Notice Time: Kerry Holliday/DJ Shortee Benefit, Right Now

Argh. I meant to post about this this evening, but I stupidly got the times wrong, and tonight’s benefit up at The Continental Club for local scene/music store icon Kerry Holliday, aka DJ Shortee

Tonight, Real Quickly: Lance Higdon + Alkari + The Eastern Sea + Muhammad Ali + War Master + Weird Al + More

Argh. Been fighting account-suspension/Wordpress issues and dealing w/general family stuff the past couple of days, so I’m sad to report that I have totally dropped the ball on writing up this weekend’s shows. Crap, crap, crap…

Houstonist Waves Goodbye…

Damn. This bums me out — while I was initially a little skeptical of the whole {Houstonist} thing, I’ll admit, back when it started out, I’d been really, really liking what Editor Marc Brubaker had done with the place…

Lance Graduates From, Um, Houston: Lance’s Senior Recital, Tonight

Well, while it definitely makes me sad to see him go, it’s cool that he’s doing it in typically unique style… Tonight, Sat., July 17th, right before drummer/electronicist/Latin teacher/show organizer/all-round good guy Lance Higdon skips town for, um, maybe-fairer climes of Atlanta

Kelli Scarr, Piece

I screwed up Kelli Scarr’s CD, and honestly, now I’m kind of glad I did. Not the actual CD, mind you, but the copy of Piece that I’m currently listening to — apparently I managed to mix up the track order pretty severely when I burned the disc so I could listen to it in the car…

Tonight: The Octopus Project + Phillip Foshee + Young Girls (tour kickoff!) + More

Busy weekend looming on the horizon, but I didn’t want to miss mentioning what’s on tonight, Thursday, July 15th, ’cause some of it’s looking pretty damn good…

Tonight: Sergio Trevino & Marc Brubaker @ Dean’s

Just a quick one this time out — I’m currently fighting with servers and blacklists and such (again), but I didn’t want to neglect tonight’s show over at Dean’s Credit Clothing, which’ll feature both Sergio Trevino of {Buxton} and Marc Brubaker

Literature, Tour EP

Literature’s Tour EP is four tracks’ worth of indie-rock: somewhat sloppy vocals that go in and out of tune and well-crafted guitar parts with meaningful lyrics. The band is comprised of five young men from Austin who decorated their CD with a brown and white horse sticker…

The Seldon Plan, Lost and Found and Lost

Lost and Found and Lost is a twelve-track indie album, released last year to relieve those diehard fans of Baltimore, MD’s The Seldon Plan, who’d been patiently awaiting a follow up to 2007’s Collective Now. Michael Nestor and Dawn Dineen from the core band sing…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 3: Pianos Become the Teeth + Resonant Interval + Boondocks Anniversary (Weird Party!) + More

Last of the pile, and yep, there’s still stuff going on tonight, Sunday, July 11th, all ’round our little city-type thing. Not as much, I’ll admit, but hey, what’s there’s good, right? Here goes…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 2: Omotai (CD release/kickoff) + The Manichean + Weird Party + Continental Club 10th + Colin Hay + More

Trying to get a little bit of a jump on the rest of this weekend, so here’s what looks/sounds good to me tonight, Saturday, July 10th — and yep, as you can see, there’s even more good shit going on than there was on Friday. Here goes…

Yr. Weekend, Pt. 1: Lightning Bolt + Indian Jewelry + football,etc. + Bright Men + Darwin’s Finches + Tread + HPMA News + More

Yep, it’s that time again, and there’s quite a bit going on this weekend, starting tonight, Friday, July 9th. Assuming the weather holds, it’s looking like it could be pretty badass. Before we go there, though, I’d like to point y’all over to…

Paper The Operator, Goodbye God

Jon Sebastian’s band Paper The Operator gives insight into the mind of a man with an indie-rock agenda and a fun-loving heart. There is some slight vibrato in his soft soothing voice, sounding a bit like Rivers Cuomo circa “Only in Dreams” or “Butterfly”…

Tonight: Electric Attitude Hit the Road (And Yeah, Other People Do, Too)

I’m sure I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: as somebody who’s been a passionate observer of the music scene here in H-town for something like 15 years now, it does my soul good to see that these days nearly every damn band in town is attempting to hit the road and play to non-hometown crowds…

Tiny Vipers, Life on Earth

On Tiny Vipers’ striking second album, Life on Earth, Jesy Fortino expands on her distinctive sound. Her songs are more songlike than on the previous album, although the core of the sound is still the same — it’s still just her voice and guitar, but she’s developing her melodies more…

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

This may well be as good as Twilight is ever going to get, and as it turns out that’s not too shabby. So Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) is really into vampires. Well, a vampire (Edward Cullen). So much so that she wants nothing more to become one…

Dammit, Dammit, Dammit.

Hey, all — apologies once more for the site hiccup today. Since the switch to WordPress, we’ve been dealing with some crazy, annoying, potentially-expensive resource usage problems on the ISP, and we’re still trying to work it out one way or another…

Tonight: Co-Pilot Tour Kickoff, at The Mink

Yeah, I know, I suck — I have been a complete and total slacker on the blog this weekend (and also on the shows list, it seems, since I completely neglected to put last night’s Robert Ellis show at Walter’s on there; sorry, y’all…not intentional, just lamebrained)….

The Gary, Logan

Right from the start of Logan (and the band’s previous EP, Chub, too), I caught myself betting the collective record collections of The Gary’s Dave Norwood, Paul Warner, and Trey Pool look a heck of a lot like, well, mine. And as the album unfolds, I found myself nodding and grinning…

Lilith Fair Skips Houston

I’ll grant that I’m hardly the target market for this, but still, it makes me sad to hear that the resurrected Lilith Fair tour (which just goes by “Lilith” these days, apparently) has had to cancel ten of its dates, including the one scheduled for here in Houston…

Tonight: The Wild Moccasins Tour Kickoff (Reviewed!) + Muhammad Ali + Spain Colored Orange + The Watermarks + More

Caveat, caveat, caveat, before I mention anything else: since every freaking road in this city currently appears to be flooding, I make no guarantees that anything scheduled for this evening will be happening. Seriously, if you can get home from work right now, you’re doing pretty well..

The Wild Moccasins, Skin Collision Past

I’ve been looking at this all wrong. My initial instinct, based on the band’s youth and cheery energy as much as on their knack for similarly cheery, shiny-sweet pop songs, is to applaud The Wild Moccasins for finally breaking out of the “kiddie-pop” niche…

Matt Bartram, Left to Memory

Matt Bartram does not create accessible music. There is nothing on Left to Memory that you can tap your toes to or sing along with, no catchy choruses or get-stuck-in-your-head riffs. If you’ve been bred on the under-three-minute, four-chords-and-a-melody song…

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