Girls Rock (on Film), Tonight

Nearly missed this one completely, dammit — thankyew, Facebook… Tonight (Thursday, June 3rd), the cool folks of {Girls Rock Camp Houston} are having a fundraiser up at a place I’ve never heard of called Beaver’s (2310 Decatur), trying to bring together some much-needed funding for their inaugural rock camp for girls this August. (Which, I should add, is apparently totally booked — awesome!)

As the dad of a music-fanatic daughter, this is a cause that’s insanely close to my heart, and I’d encourage anybody who can to help these folks out, seriously. Particularly because, as Brittanie Shey reported a couple of weeks back in the Houstoned blog, if the group behind the camp can’t raise a whopping $3000 by August 1st, then all will have been for naught — no Girls Rock Camp. Can’t let that happen, folks; get out & give.

Plus, tonight they’ll be doing a screening of the excellent Girls Rock!, a documentary about the original Girls Rock Camp up in Portland that’s well worth checking out.

Festivities start at 5PM and run through midnight or so — check the FB invite for more details.

Post by . This entry was posted on Thursday, June 3rd, 2010. Filed under Posts.

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