Dead To The World, Demo

Dead To The World, Demo

So, I’ve seen Dead To The World several times now, but I only recently procured their CD at a Röcbar show, and the best thing about it to me was that I recognized some of the songs immediately, so a major pro for this band is the strong continuity between their live and recorded music. They seem to know how to engage the crowd and their environment very well, despite being in an embryonic stage of band development; songs like “Drunk and Loud Punk and Proud” make audiences feel included in the band even if a DTTW show is their first exposure to the band.

The songs on the demo all have a mid-to-fast tempo, with vocal-driven melodies over roaring punk rock guitar, and the kind of rock ‘n roll bass and drum rhythm that makes for great driving music. This is a badass CD for anyone interested in the Houston punk rock scene, in particular, but it’s still accessible enough that I think anyone can enjoy it.

[Dead To The World is playing the Punk U. II fest 4/11/10 at Cardi's (Pasadena), along with The Dead Rabbits, Chelsea Hotel, Vatos Locos, The Vag Scabs, Pseudo Section, The Cunts, Brutally Normal, Abide, Penny Arcade, Obama Nation, Capital Gain, & The Missfit Girls.]
(self-released; Dead To The World --
BUY ME: Amazon

Review by . Review posted Sunday, April 11th, 2010. Filed under Features, Reviews.

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