Bru’s Shit Gets Stolen (& A Benefit to Help Him Out)

Dammit, people. I leave town for four freaking days, and y’all go batshit crazy. What the hell?

I missed the initial news while preparing to travel, unfortunately, but apparently last Tuesday (March 31st) one or more raging asshats broke into the home of Marc Brubaker, the editor of Interwebs pals Houstonist, member of Prairie Cadets, and one hell of a freelance photographer, to boot, and stole some of his stuff.

Believe it or not, he was able to get his iMac back, following a daring sting operation based on a Craigslist posting that looked a heck of a lot like the computer in question, but he’s still out a not-cheap 15″ Macbook Pro and a never-opened HP 7000 wide-format printer. Which still sucks incredibly, in my book.

On the positive side, the good people (er, person?) at Cosmopolitician has started collecting donations to help Marc replace the stolen laptop, which is very cool. Now, I know the economy’s still in the toilet, but if you’re feeling kindly, head on over to ChipIn to donate what you can and help the guy out. The laptop’s pretty essential to the work he does, and he’s a freelancer, which means he’s living pretty much hand-to-mouth even at the best of times, so it’s not like he’s got a spare $2K floating around…

Marc also says that the Prairie Cadets show already scheduled for next Wednesday, April 14th, up at Walter’s will now be a benefit of sorts, with a teeny-tiny cover of either $3 or $5 going to the replace-the-stuff fund. Not sure who all’s playing beyond the Cadets, but it’s definitely for a good cause.

Post by . This entry was posted on Wednesday, April 7th, 2010. Filed under Posts.

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