Electric Courage Machine, Wasted

Electric Courage Machine, Wasted

Electric Courage Machine was one of my top stand-out bands for 2009. Hailing from New Braunfels, TX, they’re one of those bands that you marvel aren’t bigger than they are. Their latest EP, Wasted, was a steady fixture in my tape deck all summer, and they achieved one of those rare feats with their song “We Can’t Count,” in that I would listen to it on repeat for hours straight.

Brothers Vincent and Jonathon Flores, on guitar and drums respectively, along with Damnit Joe on bass, capture raw feeling and emotion in their music, which I feel should be the aim of all musicians. The songs are earnest and aren’t over-produced or polished to within an inch of their life. Vincent sings with a raw simplicity but captures so many meanings and nuances with just a few simple words. The songwriting is great, often oblique and never straightforward, with the same minimalist approach they take to their music. Heard in context, when Vincent sings, “Oh, Hero, are you brave?”, on “We Can’t Count,” it’s one of the most powerful lines on the whole EP. Occasionally, they’ll add a light electronica flourish to their songs that’s slightly reminiscent of Radiohead, without the reference ever becoming distracting.

Wasted is a beautiful disc and a must-have; head over to their Myspace and check them out right now. Just make sure to get this disc before summer rolls back around, because I’m telling you, this is the perfect summer record.

(self-released; Electric Courage Machine -- http://www.myspace.com/electriccouragemachine)

Review by . Review posted Saturday, March 27th, 2010. Filed under Reviews.

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