Yr Weekend, Pt. 2: Tody Castillo (New CD!) + The Dodos (Reviewed!) + The Roots + Springfield Riots + More

Back again, still sleep-deprived but feeling at least a little bit healthier; thankyew, antibiotics… Which is good, because tonight, in particular, is a veritable bear of a night, show-wise.

Sat., October 3:
Tody Castillo (CD release)/ Springfield Riots @ The Continental Club
Damn, damn, damn. I know it seems weird, given the amazing amount of cool shit going on this evening, but this one show is where I’d really, truly like to be tonight, if I were able to leave the casa. Not only are cool-ass, fuzzed-out retro-psych-popsters Springfield Riots, who I’ve been really getting into in recent months, opening, but it marks the loooong-awaited release show for Windhorse, the followup to Tody Castillo‘s mind-destroyingly awesome self-titled debut from back in 2005. I’ve been waiting for this album for years, seriously, and kept hearing it was right around the corner…only to never have it materialize. ‘Til now, that is.

Unfortunately, Tody apparently lives in Austin these days, but he seems to be popping up regularly down here, with is a very good thing. I’ve heard Windhorse, btw — still working on the review, sorry — and it’s pretty great, honestly, although it’s a near-180 from his older, poppier stuff. The heady Fountains of Wayne-esque pop rush of songs like “Brainwashed” is replaced this time out by more somber, thoughtful, almost Sun Kil Moon-ish indie-folk leanings, and while it’s different, it’s definitely still good.

If you want some more in-depth info on the new album & other Tody-related happenings, David over at Houston Calling has a very, very nice, well-thought-out writeup over here, plus an MP3 of “Tall Pines” you can download & hear for yourself. Check it out.

Common/The Roots/Elizabeth The Band @ The Corinthian (202 Fannin)
This is a cool one, too, if a teensy bit more high-profile. It’s the Houston stop of the Hennessy Artistry, tour, the blatant product tie-in of which initially made me wary, I’ll admit — the last time I went to a product tie-in show, it was the bizarro Camel-sponsored Kings of Leon/Stills show at The Meridian, and my eyes burned from the smoke. But heck, with cognac, at least the second-hand effects aren’t quite that obvious…

Anyway, I can’t fault a show that’s got The Roots and Common, both on the same stage, esp. The Roots (how many times has Common been here in the past few months, anyway?) — I didn’t think the hip-hop legends were touring these days, now that they’re Jimmy Fallon‘s (ick) house band.

American Fangs/Windsor Drive/the last place you look/The 71’s/The Wonderful Future @ Fitzgerald’s
Full-on floorpunching post-punk rawk goodness at Fitz tonight, and it’s a good one. I can’t say enough good things about American Fangs, who I truly believe are one of the best damn rock bands in town right now and who’re utterly mesmerizing and energetic as hell live. Plus, there’s also the last place you look, who’re probably my favorite post-emo bands around from here or anywhere; they fill the hole left behind by the collapse of the whole emo craze (which had some definite high points, to my mind). And the last time I saw The 71’s, I ended up being pleasantly surprised — high-energy, kinda over-the-top, New Wave-ish rock, and definitely well done.

Springfield Riots/The Factory Party/Tax the Wolf @ Avant Garden
FYI, I just got word that this show’s shifted over to the Avant Garden from Zeppelin — not sure why, really, but since I’ve got no clue where Zeppelin is, eh. I’ve missed the last several shows by the Springfield Riots crew, which sucks, because they’re excellent live and on record, and it’s been a bit of a hiatus for The Factory Party, whose CD release show this is (I think). I’ve been able to check out a handful of the tracks so far, and they’re impressive in a very Killers-ish way.

The Dodos/The Ruby Suns @ Mango’s
And for the second venue shift of the weekend…this show was scheduled to go on at The Orange Show, but the poor Orange Show folks have had to deal with rain once again (seems like a long time since they actually successfully put on a show w/o the weather stepping in, doesn’t it?), so it’s now at Mango’s.

This promises to be a good one, as well — writer Spencer F.’s got a brand-new review of The Dodos‘ album, Time To Die, up on the site; check it out here. The Ruby Suns, for their part, are cool, sun-stroked psych-pop madness from New Zealand, so it’s a twofer for sure.

Wye Oak/Robert Ellis @ Mango’s
Yep, I know — two shows at Mango’s, so which one’s the real deal? I hate to say it, but I’ve got no idea; I’m hoping the Wye Oak show is just early, because I’ve liked what I’ve heard from ’em, and I really like Robert Ellis

Arctic Monkeys/The Like @ House of Blues
Honestly, I’m not sure whether or not I like the Arctic Monkeys — they’re a band that I feel like I should like, but eh, I just haven’t been bowled over. But hell, I’ll stick ’em in here anyway.

Moby/Kelli Scarr @ Warehouse Live
Savoy Special/Hymms @ Rudyard’s
Horse The Band/Iwrestledabearonce/All The Way To The Bank/Perfect Disease/At Calvary/Vendetta Diary @ The Meridian (Red Room)
Alie Stillwell/Gypsy Vagabonds @ Notsuoh

Sun., October 4:
Strung Out/Nations Afire/The Flatliners/O Pioneers!!!/Fingers Crossed @ The Meridian
Not nearly as much going on tomorrow, but this one’s the absolute standout — California pop-punks Strung Out headline & aren’t bad, but I’m honestly more psyched about mid-liners O Pioneers!!!, who play some of the smartest, most erudite punk rock you’re likely to hear.

Windsor Drive/The Wonderful Future/Sour Soul @ The Scout Bar (Clear Lake)

Post by . This entry was posted on Saturday, October 3rd, 2009. Filed under Posts.

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