Class of 1984, Class of 1984

Class of 1984, Class of 1984

For all of you beginner students: Class of 1984 will be on the exam, so now’s the time to become learned in class-speak. Jon and James, (fine Irish brothers) have been jammin’ “backwoods filthy rock” in and around Eire since early 2006. These boys are every good little girl’s guilty pleasure and her mother’s worst nightmare.

The raucous rhythms first permeated their way into my repertoire via a rogue Class broadcast found in my mother’s inbox — a black & white photograph entitled “Diane’s New Jacket” that featured current and former band members caught my eye, piqued my curiosity, and demanded that I explore this dark underworld further. Droogs with influences consisting of George Orwell, MC5, The Doors, Zeppelin, and Hendrix are a sure sign of something that mustn’t be ignored.

Hidden amidst the uncertain, wavering, deep, dark, sexy Morrison-style vocals and gritty rock is a certain sweet sincerity and an underside which allows fans to follow along with their lives through regular “Top 10” blogs keeping us entertained with a mix of poetic, eloquent Irish and international street slang. From apocalyptic to pornographic with songs like “Rapture Ready” and “Big Time,” the band’s on the brink of being stamped “explicit,” yet are somehow able to charm us and unapologetically get away with it.

Intelligence is sexy, and these guys have not only the brains and talent behind it all, but the looks that complete this rock-n-roll package, no pun intended. The recent first self-titled release, on 7″ vinyl, includes titles “Honey,” “Big Time,” and “X It Out,” each perfected during a summer trip to Jersey’s Big Blue Meenie Studios (the entire process recorded on video). For a mere 3.99 Euros, the record comes complete with an autographed photo, MP3s, and CD, so help fill the pockets with pennies.

Give ’em a listen or two — it’ll grow on you, I swear. I see an ultra-bright future ahead, as I wait for the album in its entirety, along with the many trips to Texas which will hopefully accompany. “Through gilded light and lunacy.”

(self-released; Class of 1984 --
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Review by . Review posted Saturday, October 3rd, 2009. Filed under Features, Reviews.

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