The Rest of Yr Weekend: Secret Machines + American Fangs + IkeFest + Blaggards + More

As promised, here’s the rest of what I think looks good for this weekend, at least…

Sat., September 12:
Trail of Dead/The Secret Machines/The Watermarks @ Warehouse Live
Damn, damn, damn. If this were any other time, and I was less broke… I’ve wanted to see The Secret Machines for years now, seriously, and Trail of Dead (formerly “…And You Will Know Us By the Crazy-Ass Length of Our Band’s Name”) are pretty decent live, as well, even if their last few albums have been hit-or-miss for me. Plus, The Watermarks are damn fine local rockers, not to mention a band I need to see in person at some point soon.

The Festival at Mink, featuring Electric Attitude, Fake Believe, The Pons, Alkari, Yokomono, The Manichean, The Blind Pets, Neon Collars, Benjamin Wesley, Kenny Bernal, Elaine Greer, Your Kisses Cause Crashes, & DJ Mr. Castillo @ The Mink (6PM-2AM; $10)
Already talked quite a bit about this one — between this & the show above, tonight’s a hard choice, that’s for sure…

Motion Turns It On/Smiley With a Knife/A Living Soundtrack/ Margot @ Notsuoh (9PM; $5)
I still really need to hear Motion Turns It On, seriously. I’ve even got a CD of theirs, but (cringe) haven’t ever had a chance to give it a real listen. Soon, I swear. Added to that, though, is another appearance by recently-resurrected spacegazers Margot, who I truly dig…

American Fangs @ Gary’s Spot (Tomball)
I’ve raved about these guys to everybody I know, at this point, and was gratified that when one friend accidentally happened across American Fangs last weekend, she was blown away. Awesome, awesome punkish rock.

D.R.U.M./Dubtex @ The Continental Club
Whoa. I knew these guys had been around a long time — since before I moved here, in fact — but the fact that this is D.R.U.M.‘s nineteen-year anniversary blows me away. Nineteen years, and they’ve remained one of the tightest, most solid reggae/etc. bands in town. Honestly, though, I don’t even think of ’em as “reggae” so much as “Afrobeat”; there’s always seemed to be more of the continent in there than of Jamaica, but that may just be me. And heck, I thought Dubtex had broken up — good to see ’em on the list again.

Fake Believe @ Cactus Music (3PM)
And here’s an early dose of Fake Believe, for those who either can’t make the Festival at Mink appearance or want to hear the guys rock out a bit more quietly beforehand.

IkeFest III Benefit for Musicians Benefit Society of Houston, featuring Vertigo Blue, Alligator Assassins, Abraham’s Tree, Burnt Face Jack, Andre B, Cymblem, Direct Impact, & Randy Marshall @ Texas Saloon (7337 Spencer Hwy, Pasadena)
Good, good, good cause, definitely. Dunno most of the bands, I’m afraid, but hell, musicians helping out musicians is always worth checking out.

Blaggards @ Ashford Arms Irish Pub (14605 Perthshire)
Ah, yes. One of Houston’s absolute best Irish folk bands, in part because they mix up folk & rock…

The Fox Derby/Black Queen Speaks/Bayou Monster/Westborn @ Fitzgerald’s
J.W. Americana/Sideshow Tramps @ Mango’s

Sun., September 13:
IkeFest III Benefit for Musicians Benefit Society of Houston, featuring Benny Braskett, Guppies from Outer Space, Krankshaft, Red November, Scuz Loose, Sugarland Brass Co., Thrill Hill and the Real Deal, Where the Girls Are, On-Time Airline, & GBAMA Jama with Slide Effect @ Fishbonz (725 Grand Ave., Bacliff)

Post by . This entry was posted on Saturday, September 12th, 2009. Filed under Posts.

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