American Fangs

American Fangs

Oh, yes. American Fangs are really-truly one of the best damn things going in this city right now — they’re a rock band, to be sure, equal parts punk, alt-rock, and metal, with an added streetwise edge that makes them pretty freaking unique. They’re raw, heavy, and loud, and best of all, they just don’t give a fuck. American Fangs shows are a roof-punching free-for-all, with the band and the crowd going nuts.

Of course, none of that would matter at all if the songs themselves weren’t pretty badass — catchy and smart and melodic right where it needs to be. There’s only one release so far, a self-titled EP that includes number-one track “Le Kick,” which is my personal pick for Best Song of 2009, but I’ve got my fingers crossed for more. They’re reportedly working on a full-length, but I’m not sure when it’ll be out in the field, so to speak, particularly since guitarist Shelby “Schultz” Hohl left the band to focus on Free Press Houston-related stuff.

In the meantime, they’ve been making some big, big waves, playing the Afro-punk festival this year up in Brooklyn and getting some good ink. If these boys can stick around a while longer, they’re headed for good, good things, I swear to God.

I should mention, by the way, that these guys have a ridiculous level of H-town band history behind ’em, although I’ve been sworn to secrecy as to which bands and whatnot they’ve been involved in — the main idea is to focus less on the past and more on the present. Which is pretty damn impressive on its own…

Band writeup by . Band writeup posted Thursday, April 26th, 2012. Filed under Features, Interviews.

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One Response to “WE LIKE THINGS 2011: A ridiculously-late look at what was cool last year.”

  1. SPACE CITY ROCK » WE LIKE THINGS 2012: Telling you all about the awesome things you (maybe) missed last year. on April 23rd, 2013 at 9:36 pm

    […] I blew it. This should’ve been one of the top handful of albums in my list last year, and yet, it wasn’t. And now the band’s just a memory and a piece of incredible vinyl. […]

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