Zine Nite @ Copy Dot Com

Yes, the world of zines (and most other types of printed/self-published art & writing, whatever you want to call it) is a thing near & dear to my heart. And I know firsthand how much of a ridiculous pain in the a–er, labor of love it can be to get a zine from brain to real-live paper. Granted, it’s been many long years since I did the print thing, and I have a feeling the tools with which people create zines are much improved from what they were, but still, it takes a lot of commitment, hard work, & vision to pull it off.

Which is why I think the Zine Nite that’ll be held next Wednesday, July 29th, at Copy.com on Westheimer (right next to the old Tower Theatre, aka Hollywood Video) is such a cool idea. The event’s sponsored by the Copy.com folks (duh) and the hard-working Zine Fest Houston crew, and the idea isn’t just to show off one’s work but to actually collaborate, share helpful info/tips/etc., and work on your zine(s). The ZFH and Copy.com folks will all be on hand to answer questions, and there’ll be room to work, as well as the usual networking and displaying of different zines.

It runs from 9PM to midnight, according to the event invite; check the link for more details… This sounds like a very, very cool deal, truly. Hats off to ZFH and Copy.com for getting it together.

Post by . This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009. Filed under Posts.

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